“The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe Plot and Make Predictions
F.L.T Today, I will be able to… examine different plot elements develop the skill of making predictions so that I can better understand the story.
Literary Analysis events conflict before characters setting problem Plot – the sequence of _______ in a narrative. It is structured around a _________, or problem. It is divided into the following 7 parts. Antecedent Action – everything that happened _________ the story takes place. Exposition – ____________ and __________ are introduced. Inciting Incident – _______ kicks the story in motion. events conflict before characters setting problem
Plot cont. 4. Rising Action – main ______ happens. 5. Climax – anticipating what’s going to happen _____ High point of ________ (excitement) 6. Falling Action – conflict begins to get ______ 7. Resolution – conflict _________ conflict next suspense solve concludes
Antecedent Action Inciting Incident
Stylistic Devices foreshadowing – the use of clues to ______ at events that will happen ______ in a story. suspense – a feeling of _________ that keeps readers __________ what will happen next. hint later tension wondering
Reading Skill Prediction – an ______ you develop about what will happen ________ in a narrative. - It is based on _________ in the text plus your _______ experience. - ______ ahead to verify your predictions. idea later details own READ
“The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe Vocabulary Chart Vocabulary P.O.S + √ - Connotation Denotation Sentence
precluded (v.) In order to preclude any embarrassment, the boy asked the girl to the dance in private.
retribution (n.) Some sort of retribution was needed for the student who misbehaved in the class.
afflicted (v.) The old man was afflicted with a rare type of cancer.
explicit (adj.) His explicit instructions were not at all confusing.
recoil (v.) He recoiled in horror when he saw the bully approach him with weapons.
subsided (v.) Her anger subsided when he finally apologized for lying to her.
3, 2, 1 Write down 3 things you learned today that you didn’t know before. Write down 2 things you already knew. Write down a question that you still have