Response to Intervention CMS Pirate Success Team (PST)
What in the World? You may have heard it called Response to Intervention (RtI), Early Intervention Team (EIT), Problem Solving Team (PST) or even Student Success Team (SST). The goal of all of these is basically the same- Brainstorm interventions to try with students who aren’t finding success in the “normal” classroom setting. Teachers can request help due to academic or behavioral concerns.
The Basics
Tier 1 This is considered the “Universal Level.” 80-90% of students fall in this tier. This is the quality core instructional program and includes best teaching practices.
Tier 2 This is the supplemental, small group level. 5-15% of students fall in this tier. These are small group interventions like: Tutorials Double blocked classes Reading lab
Tier 3 This tier is classified by individualize, intensive interventions. This should not be confused with SpEd settings. Many special education referrals for testing come from the RtI Process after students have not been successful after intensive interventions, but students in Tier 3 are not current SpEd students. Only 1-5% of students fall in this tier. These are specialized sessions, usually one-on-one.
So, Where do I Start? Identify students you feel might need extra support. Academic: Look at STAAR scores, CBAs, six weeks’ averages, names on overtime list, tutorial sign-ins, MAP scores, other data. Behavior: Look at detention logs, office referrals, parent contacts, general non-compliance or strange behavior. Try an intervention for a few weeks. (See RESOURCES SLIDE for ideas!) Consult Ask a teacher who also has the student what ideas they have. Ask former teachers what has worked in the past. Look at student’s TIER folder to see what has already been tried. NEW: If you see little to no improvement, refer your student to the RtI Team.
HELPFUL RESOURCES For Teachers For Parents and Families Intervention Central Behavorial Intervention Ideas TEA Site on RtI Intervention Checklist Intervention Log Request for PST Services For Parents and Families services/rti/e-book-a-parents-guide-to-response-to- intervention-rti