Tables or Figures? Tables: numbers or words in columns or rows Figures: charts, graphs, drawings, photographs, maps, etc.
Number the tables or figures with Arabic numbers. No 3a, 3b, etc. US Credit Cards Market Shares
If tables or figures in an appendix, label them: A1, or B1, etc. Figure A1 Women Earn Majority of Family Income
Label the figure on the bottom Figure A1 Women Earn Majority of Family Income
Label the table on the top
Notes under the tables can be either: 1 Notes under the tables can be either: 1. General: More explanation pertaining to whole chart. Note. Bars indicate standard error of mean.
2. Specific: Use superscript a, b, c, etc 2. Specific: Use superscript a, b, c, etc. to make point concerning part of table. aSED = standard errors of differences of mean bn.s. = not significant
3. Probability: Use an asterisk to note a value
No three levels of notes, like with tables. FIGURES No three levels of notes, like with tables.
Use these parts: Figure #. (in italics) FIGURES Use these parts: Figure #. (in italics) Figure 3.
Caption or title. (may be phrase) FIGURES Caption or title. (may be phrase) Figure 3. US Desktop PCs Market Shares 2007.
Optional: Short description to help reader understand the figure. FIGURES Optional: Short description to help reader understand the figure. Figure 3. US Desktop PCs Market Shares 2007. “Others” includes…
Last, if you retrieved the figure, provide the reference here. FIGURES Last, if you retrieved the figure, provide the reference here. Figure 3. US Desktop PCs Market Shares 2007. Adapted from “US Desktop PCS 2008 (Snapshots Report),” March 24, 2008, Snapshots North America, p. 6.
Citing Tables The same citing method applies for tables. As the last part of your “Note” section, cite your source if retrieved.
Citing format for tables and figures: Adapted from “Title of source,” by A. B. Lastname, Year, Journal Name, Vol. #, p. xx. Adapted from “Frontiers of the mind,” by R. Correll, 2009, Journal of the West, 11, p. 42.
Your Table or Figure references are not included in your final references. They are fully cited in the text.
Make sure to check out the APA link on the Library Main Page for helpful information.