Bayo Vista Neighborhood Watch & Emergency Preparation Meet & know neighbors Maintain community & block maps Attend these meetings Watch neighbors’ homes and report ALL suspicious activity to Sheriff & neighbors 4/25/2019
Opening Messages Our Objectives Thanks to... Pastor Ted Goslen, this Church, Ron Gibson, & Joe Jones and every neighbor participant! Criminal Habits As stealing becomes habitual, it gets easier. We, too, have to call the Sheriff more often. Our Objectives Thwart & deter criminals to better protect ourselves, homes and autos. Improve our communication skills 50,000 new blogs (web log pages) are created every hour - people are craving to communicate with others, and I submit to you that face to face communication is what they crave, but instead settle for the next best thing – the internet. Let’s keep meeting in person. On my experinces with the Sheriff, the more I called them, the less questions they asked of me. They know me so well, they take my call and immediately dispatch the appropriate department to handle my needs. 4/25/2019
Block Captain Duties Serve as Liaison between residents and sheriff’s office Recruit new Watch members, striving for 100% participation Plan meetings & activities Maintain list of participating members Responsible for making maps Distribute maps to all members Notify members of meetings Distribute crime alerts & newsletter information to community members 4/25/2019
Our Achievements So Far We know our immediate neighbors better, their phone #s and email addresses. 3 new crime watch signs installed. Two crime watch groups have merged. Strangers know we are watching them All of the Hillcrest Area is our goal, encompassing 362 owner-occupied residences From San Pablo Dam Rd to Arlington North 4/25/2019
The Challenges for each neighbor Meet & know more neighbors Call the correct law enforcement department for non 911 emergencies 925-646-2441 877-308-5248 Sheriff Share your phone # & email address Attend Watch meetings Utilize Operation I.D. San Pablo City Limits Police 510- 215-3130. Richmond City Limits Police 510- 233-1214. 4/25/2019
Let’s get coordinated Do you know what to do if… 1) You find your home or car vandalized? 2) You find an abandoned vehicle? 3) You face a solicitor without a permit badge? 4) You see a suspicious activity on neighbor’s property? 5) You find junk dumped on the street? 6) You see drug activity? 1) To report home/car vandalism, call 925-646-2441 (Sheriff dispatch) 2) To report abandoned cars on private property, call 925-313-2659 on cpunty roadways, call 925-646-2441 3) To report solicitors without displaying a permit, call 925-646-2441 4) When you see suspicious activity, call your neighbor first or the sheriff 5) To report illegal dumping, call public works 925-313-2000 6)To report ongoing drugs activity, call 925-313-2678 4/25/2019
Creative Thinking Session How can we be better prepared? Realize that a good neighbor is the best crime prevention device Share experiences, information, and be prepared for anything. Change our neighborhood atmosphere Store your immediate neighbors’ cell & home phone #s Neighborhood Watch is not guard duty. It is getting to know your neighbors, focusing on community issues, formin gaction groups and finding resolutions to neighborhood problems. We are partners with the Sheriff. Recognize & report suspicious activities Initiate Operation Identification Review Alarm company performances Our quality of life is at stake. Let’s cooperate and communicate. 4/25/2019
Set SMART Goals Identify your group # located above your mailing address or bayovista – click on database Choose a “block captain” for each group of streets, 1-5. Help neighbors get online, post & read neighborhood events. Add your “incident” online at or call someone who can. Volunteer for food prep, parking help, clean up, snail mail & internet education. 4/25/2019
Your Commitment Needed Group commitments. Call / email yoru block captain Find the streets in your group # at Individual commitments. Keep vigilant, keep in touch with neighbors, learn to call Sheriff / Police often, attend monthly meetings, keep learning about how to protect, keep watch & prepare for emergencies. Overcome shyness and use your telephone more often. Access the internet and BayoVista yahoo group. Schedule to attend meetings every 2nd Thursday of every month, 7 – 9 PM 4/25/2019
Future Meetings’ Guests: Closing Statements Be prepared to enjoy great food, meet your neighbors, and improve your preparedness for all kinds of emergencies Future Meetings’ Guests: Representatives of… CC Sheriff, San Pablo & Richmond Police, CC Fire Prevention 4/25/2019
Future Topics Sheriff’s Vacation Watch Identity Theft Bio-terrorism Bird flu Earthquakes 4/25/2019