Maths,English, Languages, Computing Homework Overview Maths,English, Languages, Computing Other Subjects Y7 & 8 30-45 mins per week Independent Study Assignment – 3-5 per year Y9 30-45 mins per lesson per week KS4 45 minutes per lesson per week Post 16 Should match the time spent in your lessons
Practicalities Homework will only be set if it aids student progress All homework will be posted by staff on Firefly where it will be visible to students and parents A date for completion will be provided A reasonable time should be allowed for completion – overnight deadlines should be rare Homework will be set when it is appropriate rather than by a timetable Homework time may be split over a number of nights/tasks
Appropriate homework tasks Consolidation e.g. answering questions on content introduced in class Decision making tasks e.g. giving opinions Creative tasks e.g. suggesting different designs Examination style questions – applying knowledge Producing graphs or diagrams Research preparing for the next lesson
Year 7 and Year 8 Students in Y7 and Y8 will receive weekly homework from English, Maths, French/German and Computing. English and Maths homework should take approximately 45 minutes. Languages and Computing should take around 30 minutes. In addition students will receive one independent study assignment – a longer project-type task that allows students to go into greater depth on a topic. The following subjects are timetabled for ISAs – RE, Science, History, Geography, DT, PE. ISAs should take approximately 2 – 2½hours to do well. The total homework expected of a Y7/8 student would be approximately 5 hours – or about 45 minutes per day.
Year 9 Students in Y9 will receive weekly homework from all subjects. This is designed to prepare them for GCSE courses. English and Maths homework should take approximately 60 minutes. Other subjects’ tasks should take approximately 30 minutes. The total homework expected of a Y9 student would be approximately 7 hours – or about one hour per day.
Year 10 and 11 With the start of GCSEs it is likely that there will be an increase in the amount of learning that takes place outside of the classroom. All subjects should be setting homework every week. Tasks should take approximately 45 minutes. Maths and English would be expected to take up to an hour. GCSE students should expect to spend approximately 1¼ to 1½ hours per night on homework. An average week should see approximately 8 hours of homework completed.