Colorado Geographic Alliance Summer Institute 2010 Leadville, Colorado Colorado Mountain College
First Day Introductions
Leaning about colleagues through their geographical facts
Reception at the National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum
No drinks, unless Teacher Leaders Teri and Deann were satisfied with your answer to a geography question
Understanding the new State Academic Standards
Explanation and Interpretation
Break for Rafting on the Arkansas
Developing Tools for Using the new Academic Standards
Plenty of coffee, paper, markers, and computer skills are required.
State Social Studies Specialist Brenda Barr kept everyone focused.
What do these tools look like? 6th Grade Level Expectation and Evidence Outcome 1 Analyze and interpret historical sources to ask and research historical questions (6th) a Identify ways different cultures record history b Interpret documents and data from multiple primary and secondary sources, while formulating historical questions (sources to include but are not limited to: art, artifacts, eyewitness accounts, letters and diaries, artifacts, real or simulated historical sites, charts, graphs, diagrams and written texts) c Critique information gathered to determine if it is sufficient to answer historical questions 2 The historical eras, individuals, groups, ideas and themes in regions of the and their relationships with one another (6th) Explain how people, products, cultures and ideas interacted and are interconnected over key periods or eras in history in the Determine and explain the historical context of key people, events, and ideas over time include the examination of different perspectives from people involved (topics to include but not limited to: Aztec, Maya, Inca, Inuit, early Native American cultures of North America, major explorers, colonization of countries in the Western Hemisphere, and the Columbian Exchange) Identify examples of the social, political, cultural, and economic development in key areas of the Use geographic tools to solve problems (6th) Use longitude, latitude, and scale on maps and globes to solve problems Collect and analyze data to interpret regions in the Ask multiple types of questions after examining geographic sources d Interpret and communicate geographic data to justify potential solutions to solve problems e Distinguish different types of maps and use them in analyzing an issue Human and physical systems vary and interact (6th) Classify and analyze the types of connections between places
Tools were fine-tuned then presented to the group and to geography educators who joined the conversation later in the week to address the future of the Colorado Geographic Alliance.
Dinner at the Delaware Hotel
Facilitator Nancy Henjum assisted COGA educators in undertaking a process to consider concepts and values important to the future of geography education in Colorado.
Thanks for your hard work!
One participant wrote at the conclusion of the workshop “I came home over Trail Ridge Road and watched the sunset from some rocks at 12,000 feet.”
Inspiration for the future – Understanding and interpreting the standards, building and developing capacity in geography education Summer 2010