DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry


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Presentation transcript:

DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry 25.04.2019 The Marine Strategy Framework Directive Latest developments European Commission DG Environment Marine and Water Industry Unit Status: January 2013

DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry MSFD Scoreboard 25.04.2019 Status at 30 January 2013 Green fish: Report or information submitted Orange fish: Report or information only partially submitted (e.g. report for specific Article or specific marine region missing) Red fish: Report or information not submitted Disclaimer: The information in the table is intended as general information to the public. It may not necessarily reflect the latest formal information that is available to the Commission and, hence, it does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. It is not the basis upon which the European Commission decides whether a Member State has fulfilled its obligations under the Directive. * Member States (AT, CZ, HU, LU, SK) within the catchment area of each marine region or sub-region (so called landlocked countries) shall also designate authorities competent (Article 7) for cooperation and coordination as referred to in Article 6 of the MSFD. Other obligations of the Directive do not apply to them. ** This information only confirms whether a Member State has transposed into national legislation or not. The assessment of the notified transposition legislation of the Member States in view of the requirements of the Directive is still on-going. Access limitations may apply for files, which are not (yet) released for public view. Files marked with are unavailable. You must log in to get access. Report or information submitted Report or information only partially submitted (e.g. report for specific Article or specific marine region missing) Report or information not submitted http://ec.europa.eu/environment/marine/eu-coast-and-marine-policy/implementation/scoreboard_en.htm

Status of reporting on Art. 8, 9 and 10 – at 01/02/13 Member State 'Paper' reports Electronic reports Art. 8, 9, 10 Art. 8, 9, 10 (7 xml files) Spatial data (2 files) BE Belgium 16-Aug BG Bulgaria HR Croatia* * Member State from 1/7/13  CY Cyprus 25-Sep DK Denmark 12-Oct 9, 11-Jan (4, 9, overview) EE Estonia 16-Nov 19-Dec FR France 26-Dec FI Finland 18-Dec 31-Jan, 1-Feb DE Germany 27-Jul 15-Oct EL Greece IE Ireland IT Italy 14-Oct LV Latvia 11-Dec LT Lithuania 2-Nov MT Malta NL Netherlands 11-Oct 15-Nov PL Poland PT Portugal 22-Oct (mainland, ext. CS) RO Romania 15-Oct, 20-Dec SI Slovenia 25-Jan (art. 8) 25-Jan (4, 8a, c) 25-Jan ES Spain 11-Oct (art. 8, 9) 22-Oct (art. 10) 15-Oct, 6-Nov, 8-Nov SE Sweden 15-Oct (art. 9, 10) 17-Dec (art. 8) 15-Oct (art. 9, 10), 27-Nov, 19-Dec UK United Kingdom 19-Oct (art. 8), 20-Dec (art. 9, 10) - mainland 1-Nov, 14-Nov, 19-Dec - mainland 14-Nov Report or information submitted Report or information only partially submitted (e.g. report for specific Article or specific marine region/ subregion missing) Total no. of MS reported 15 (+3 partial) 8 (+5 partial) 10

DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry 25.04.2019 Article 12: Key elements Commission empowerment to assess compliance with the Directive to ask for additional information to analyse coherence between marine (sub-) regions and within EU to make recommendations for modifications Article 12 Notifications and Commission’s assessment On the basis of all the notifications made pursuant to Articles 9(2), 10(2) and 11(3) in respect of each marine region or subregion, the Commission shall assess whether, in the case of each Member State, the elements notified constitute an appropriate framework to meet the requirements of this Directive and may ask the Member State concerned to provide any additional information that is available and necessary. In drawing up those assessments, the Commission shall consider the coherence of frameworks within the different marine regions or subregions and across the Community. Within six months of receiving all those notifications, the Commission informs Member States concerned whether, in its opinion, the elements notified are consistent with this Directive and provides guidance on any modifications it considers necessary.

DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry 25.04.2019 Article 12 timelines Assessment has already started (completeness) Feb 2013: Request for additional information to MS Apr 2013: first assessment results available June/Jul 2013: draft COM paper(s) Autumn 2013: finalisation of COM Art 12 exercise end 2013/2014: technical in-depth assessments on selected issues by JRC and "MSFD 2012 Baseline assessment" by EEA

DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry 25.04.2019 MS reports: Early indications Often extensive amount of qualitative information (many pages) Reporting sheets not available for half the MS which makes completeness check for art 8 difficult Very limited precise/quantifiable GES and targets Low level of ambition, basically repeating existing policies No or limited coherence between MS and between marine regions Variety of assessment scales (spatial, temporal) and aggregation limiting comparability and coherence of assessments Gaps in information and knowledge identified without always a clear plan to address them Limited pressure and impact analysis (e.g. accumulation of pressures) and limited link between Article 8 and Articles 9/10

DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry 25.04.2019 http://ec.europa.eu/environment/marine Thank you for your attention!