Draft main conclusions Eurostat-F5 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Items 3 – General background The participants took note of Recent developments on education and training policies in the EU The draft 2014 Eurostat annual work programme on education, training youth and culture statistics The state of play of Eurostat project on the modernisation of social statistics The process for data compilation and dissemination of EU2020 indicators related to education Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Item 4.1 – Education variables in household surveys ETS WG members: Broadly supported the changes proposed for LFS variables on participation in the last 4 weeks and the introduction of a module on access in the last 12 months every two years Invited the AES TF to discuss further this module and its relationship with AES when conducted the same year Eurostat: Takes note of the concerns a possible increase in frequency of AES / CVTS might cause. Proposed that this option is further discussed taking into account the overall burden (incl. list of variables) Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Item 4.2 – Towards the 2016 AES ETS WG members: were informed that the main input of the Task Force will be a draft Commission Regulation for the 2016 AES to be submitted to the ESSC at the end of 2014 broadly supported the content ("main issues") to be discussed by the Task Force Eurostat took note that: even if the TF will focus on the 2016 AES data collection, the TF will discuss options for 2020, in the context of the modernisation of social statistics (LFS, CVTS) The AES data collection period is to be discussed in the TF. Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Item 4.3 – Repeal of CVTS legal act ETS WG members: Underlined the limited burden reduction for the 2016 data collection. Appreciated the policy needs reflected in the list of proposed indicators and the attempt to use alternative sources for some of them. Eurostat: Proposed a two steps approach: slightly restricted data collection in 2016, discussions on further streamlining for 2020 Will circulate the draft Commission Regulation by email to the ETS WG for comments by 14 June Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Item 4.4 – Dissemination of 2010 CVTS and 2011 AES ETS WG members: were informed on the updates on Eurostat's website regarding 2010 CVTS and 2011 AES data will be consulted (written consultation) after the meeting as regards the anonymised 2011 AES dataset (anonymisation criteria approval and country participation) Eurostat: took note that in the future the Member States would like to be involved in the validation of the data prior to any new release Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Item 5.1. Learning Mobility in Higher Education ETS WG members were: informed about the conclusions of the Task Force on Learning Mobility Statistics regarding the revision of the manual and that detailed conclusions will be uploaded to CIRCA informed about the proceedings of the Workshop on LM and exchange of experience on data collection methods Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 7
Item 5.2 – 2014 pilot data collection on LM in IVET and youth Eurostat welcomed the additional remarks provided on the proposed explanatory notes; last comments are welcome (to be sent to Eurostat) by the end of May 2013 to marta.beck-domzalska@ec.europa.eu in June 2013 explanatory notes and template of quality report will be up-loaded on CIRCABC Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 8
Item 5.3 – Grants on LM ETS WG members were: informed about the invitation to submit proposals to be launched by mid-June 2013 (with the deadline for replies – beginning of August 2013) invited to start national discussions on possible application for such grants Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 9
Item 6: Implementation of ISCED 2011 6.1 ISCED mappings: The ETS WG approved the template for the ISCED mappings for 2013. Once submitted, the mappings of 2013 will be analysed and further changes might be adopted if needed. The ETS WG has been asked to provide national examples of qualifications outside the UOE scope by the end of May 2013, to Javier.Alcantara@ec.europa.eu The ETS WG was informed about the proposed structure for the ISCED mappings 2014 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
6.2 Joint UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat ISCED 2011 operational manual – timetable (doc. 2013-ETS-10) Version 1 of ISCED 2011 operational manual: priority issues Educational attainment guidelines End of May 2013 First draft of Joint UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat operational manual October 2013 Discussion with countries (LSO, INES, ETS): ISCED operational manual Guidelines UOE data collection Educational attainment guidelines: draft version 2 Till beginning 2014 ISCED 2011 operational manual Educational attainment guidelines, version 2 Guidelines for the UOE data collection 2014, Quarter 1 25-26 April 2013 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Item 6.3: ISCED 2011 operational manual – priority issues Document on four priority issues (taking into account last UIS and ETS WG comments) approved by the ETS WG: slightly modified document will be sent to the ETS WG on 30.04.13 for possible last minor comments to marta.beck-domzalska@ec.europa.eu with the deadline of 15th May 2013 Document will be up-loaded on CIRCABC by the end of May further work on version 2: need for the cooperation of 3 international organisations Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 12
Item 6.4: Guidelines on educational attainment 1st version of the guidelines on educational attainment approved by the ETS WG: slightly modified document to be sent to the ETS WG on 30.04.13 for any remaining minor comments to marta.beck-domzalska@ec.europa.eu with the deadline of 15.05.13 manual version 1 will be up-loaded on CIRCABC by the end of May 2013 further work on version 2 (in particular on foreign and old qualifications) – in collaboration with the OECD/LSO network Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 13
6.5 Implementation of ISCED 2011 in the EU-LFS ETS WG agreed on the principle of the coding of HATFIELD under the new classification FOET at level 1 (level 2 - optional but strongly encouraged), to be implemented in 2016. Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 14
Item 6.6: Implementation of ISCED 2011 – calculation of EU2020 education indicators ETS WG took note of the way of the computation of the indicator on early leavers from education and training under ISCED2011 countries are encouraged to inform Eurostat about any possible impact of ISCED2011 on the two EU–2020 headline indicators (ISCED mappings 2013 – last opportunity) Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 15
Item 7.1. Overview UOE 2012 data collection (doc. 2013-ETS-14) The ETS WG took note of the state of play of the UOE 2012 data collection Eurostat reminded the importance for improving data transmission timelines and completeness and took note of the improvements planned by some countries Countries not yet using eDAMIS for data transmission should do the necessary for changing the situation Eurostat took note of technical problems using eDAMIS and will inform the relevant Eurostat unit The ETS WG was informed about the plans of UOE data requesters to send the UOE 2013 questionnaires and manual to all countries, by mid-May 2013
Item 7. 2. UOE 2012 data collection – quality reports (doc Item 7.2. UOE 2012 data collection – quality reports (doc. 2013-ETS-15) The ETS WG took note of the state of play of the quality reports UOE 2012 data collection and on the next steps: Countries should submit report Obtain access to NRME for editing and validation of report. Next year submission 31 of January Directly in NRME 2015 reports should include ISCED-mappings
15-16 May 2013: ESSC meeting, for adoption of: Commission Regulation Item 7.3. a Revised Commission Regulation on education and training systems The ETS members were informed about the final version and of the next steps: 15-16 May 2013: ESSC meeting, for adoption of: Commission Regulation Commission Decision If favourable opinion June 2013: submission to Council and European Parliament, for scrutiny If adopted: End of 2013: Publication in OJ The ETS members were also informed about the methodological work planned by Eurostat in 2014 regarding completion rates and average duration in tertiary education 25-26 April 2013 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 18
Item 7.3. b UOE - Pilot test of SDMX format (doc. 2013-ETS-17) Tables: Learning of foreign languages, enrolments at regional level Personnel and Enrolments (only 1 table, e.g. ENRL1: "enrolments by sex and age") SDMX-format (two-step approach via CSV dropped) and regular Excel Submission after 2013 UOE data collection Countries willing to pilot: DK, LI(?) Others? Replies to shubila.Balaile@ec.europa.eu by mid-May 2013 25-26 April 2013 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 19 19
Item 7.4.UOE back series on ISCED 2011 (doc. 2013-ETS-18) ETS WG agreed on the following back data to be provided by end of March 2015, using the same format as for the UOE 2014 data collection: Reference years: 1999/2000, 2004/2005, 2009/2010 to 2011/2012 Enrolments by sex and age Enrolments by NUTS2, sex and age Graduates by sex and age Enrolments by field of education (same level of detail as now) and sex New entrants, by sex and age Graduates by fields of education (2nd level of detail), sex and age ISCED 3 to 5: 2-digit, ISCED 6 and 7: 1-digit ISCED 5: 2-digit, ISCED 6 and 7: 1-digit 25-26 April 2013 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Item 7.4 UOE back series on ISCED 2011 (doc. 2013-ETS-18) (cont.) and Number of school teachers by ISCED (ISCED 02, ISCED 1, ISCED 2, ISCED 3 and 4: 2 digits) and sex For those countries where changes in reporting practices over the years: Provide data also for ISCED 02, ISCED 1, ISCED 2: 2-digits, ISCED 8. Total education expenditure by funding sources (public, private): ISCED 1 to 4, 5 to 8, all ISCED levels combined Reference years: 2000, 2005, 2010, 2011 25-26 April 2013 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Item 7.4.UOE back series on ISCED 2011 (doc. 2013-ETS-18) (cont.) ETS WG agreed also on the following back data to be provided by end of March 2015 for: Reference years: 1999/2000, 2004/2005, 2009/2010 to 2011/2012 Data on vocational education: Students enrolled in 'combined school and work- based programmes' by institution, intensity of participation and sex Education expenditure in vocational education At least for those countries that already provided the information in ISCED97 25-26 April 2013 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Item 7.5. – European register for tertiary education institutions ETS WG members: were informed by DG EAC on the latest developments and plans regarding the European register for tertiary education institutions and setting up of the Task Force: TF meeting planned: Oct./Nov. 2013 ETS and members of the previous TF will receive an invitation Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
Item 7.6 Statistics on Special Needs Education (SNE) ETS WG members: were informed by Eurostat about the fact that due to resources restraints no further work on this topic is planned by Eurostat in 2014. Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013
8. AOB The ETS WG were informed that: A document on the publications of CEDEFOP will be uploaded to CIRCABC Following the European Commission transparency policy: Documents presented to the ETS WG are publicly available in CIRCABC Documents presented by the countries would not be made publicly available without the authorisation of the author The list of participants is not uploaded into CIRCABC; It will be sent to participants by e-mail Documents discussed by Task Forces and ISCED Workshop are not publicly available. No meeting of ETS WF or Workshop are planned end of 2013. Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013