Activity 2: Technical and Operational Design for the LNG Storage Facility & NG System Dr. C. Solomonidis Civil and Harbour Engineer Managing Director A. Boutatis Civil and Harbour Engineer (MSc) Technical Director 02 November 2017, Piraeus
1 Introduction 2 Activity Description 3 Current Status 4 Work Plan
Rogan Associates S.A.
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1 Introduction 2 Activity Description 3 Current Status 4 Work Plan
List of Activities Activity number Activity title Indicative start date Indicative end date 1 Upstream and Midstream Market Roll-out Optimisation 01/04/2017 31/12/2019 2 Technical and Operational Design for LNG Facility & Natural Gas System Development 30/06/2019 3 NG in Road Transportation: Design, Legislation & Implementation Plan 01/06/2017 4 NG for Industrial & Commercial Use: Strategy, Legislation & Implementation Plan 5 NG in the Maritime Sector: Strategy, Legislation & Implementation Plan 6 Financing NG Implementation 01/03/2018 29/02/2020 7 Dissemination & Public Awareness 8 Action Management 31/03/2020
Activity 2
General Layout Plan
Civil Infrastructure: Description of the Jetty Located west of the main breakwater of Vasiliko Port at a distance of 1.3km Runs offshore in a N.S. direction for 750m and turns (220oN) S.W. for 436m to form FSRU berth Future extension by another 300m for an LNG Carrier is foreseen 4 Breasting Dolphins & 8 Mooring Dolphins Central loading/unloading platform: (30*40*1.5)m at +8.00 (MSL) Trestle is 14m wide with pile caps on vertical steel pipe piles at 20m interval Pile caps support a 5m roadway & 9m pipe rack, to accommodate cryogenic (LNG) and NG pipes Expansion Loops at about 250m distance Depth at the inner berth: 15-18m(LAT) Depth at the outer berth: 22m (LAT) Rubble mound revetment construction
Jetty for the FSRU
Structural Model and Typical Cross Section
Shelter - Port Expansion Works
1 Introduction 2 Activity Description 3 Current Status 4 Work Plan
Achieved Goals: Jetty & Onshore Installations Studies Execution by Start date Submission Completion Basic Design (Jetty) RGN & DTM 1 July 16 August √ Conceptual design (onshore, cryogenic) DEFA (WSP) Environmental Impact Study RGN Preliminary Safety HL Preliminary QRA Supporting studies Mooring analysis EBS Temperature, air & noise model
Achieved Goals: Emergency Shelter Studies Execution by Start date Submission Completion Basic Design RGN & DTM 1 July 19 August √ Environmental Impact Study RGN Supporting studies Wave disturbance Coastal impact study Geotechnical CPA Mooring analysis EBS Air, noise, dredged material plume model
Overall Progress Activity 2: 25% (time-based) 35% (deliverables-based) Sub-Activity 2.1: Technical Design and Permits Conceptual Design (Onshore , Cryogenic) Completed Basic Design (Jetty): Completed Preliminary Safety Study & EIA: Completed Preliminary Cost Benefit Analysis: Completed FEED Contract Tender & Award: Completed Final Detailed Design (Jetty) : Follows Tender Documents: Follows FEED Detailed Design (Onshore , Cryogenic) : Follows Sub-Activity 2.2: Ship-to-Facility (STF) Operations Preliminary QRA: Completed HAZID Study: Completed HAZOP Study: Follows NavSim: Follows
1 Introduction 2 Activity Description 3 Current Status 4 Work Plan
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