Structural Audits PREPARED BY: ROBIN RHYS DATE: 04/04/2019 PRESENTED BY: ROBIN RHYS DATE: 04/04/2019
MHSA – No direct legislation regarding structural inspections. Legislation - MHSA 21. Manufacturer's and supplier's duty for health and safety (3) Any person who designs or constructs a building or structure, including a temporary structure, for use at a mine must ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that the design or construction is safe and without risk to health and safety when used properly. MHSA – No direct legislation regarding structural inspections. Refer to OHASA
Legislation - OHASA OHASA – Construction Regulations Reg - 11. Structures (2) An owner of a structure must ensure that - (a) inspections of that structure are carried out periodically by competent persons in order to render the structure safe for continued use; (b) that the inspections contemplated in paragraph (a) are carried out at least once every six months for the first two years and thereafter yearly; (c) the structure is maintained in such a manner that it remains safe for continued use; (d) the records of inspections and maintenance are kept and made available on request to an inspector.
Legislation - OHASA OHASA – Construction Regulations "competent person" means a person who - (a) has in respect of the work or task to be performed the required knowledge, training and experience and, where applicable, qualifications, specific to that work or task: Provided that where appropriate qualifications and training are registered in terms of the provisions of the National Qualification Framework Act, 2000 (Act No.67 of 2000), those qualifications and that training must be regarded as the required qualifications and training; and (b) is familiar with the Act and with the applicable regulations made under the Act;
Reasons for conducting structural audits Construction Regulations Industry wide incidents Entire conveyor structures which have collapsed. Roof structures which have collapsed. Plant floors and walkways which have collapsed. Concrete structures which have collapsed. Internal incidents Actions to prevent reoccurrence.
Internal Incidents
Afrisam Methodology New Installations Pr Eng design Pr Eng contracting Pr Eng sign off Existing Plant and Installations External 2 Yearly Pr Eng structural audit. Internal 2 Yearly 2.13.1 Eng structural audit. (12 Months after External) Outcome – Detailed report / Risk ratings / Heat Map Actions – High risk items addressed as priority