Conclusion Introduced the Voxel DAG encoding Extended to more advanced encodings Attributes stored in a separate structure coupled to the DAG Practical implementations for constructing and using the DAGs Applications, including Shadow Volumes and Maps General idea applicable to data other than just binary voxel geometry Questions? Future? SVOs vs DAGs and where we get compression. <Lots of large planar surfaces in man-made environments Pointer compression + Symetries – reflections, Went bezerk and tried rotations, inversions. Similar subgraphs of fixed depth higher up in the hierarchy. Columns, slices. Dags with colors. Soon also for dynamic scenes. View-dependent information. -> let us know if you want to cooperate. DAGs can be traversed with GLSL and WebGL. DAGs and multi-resolution hierarchies can efficiently encode shadows Voxel DAGs and Multiresolution Hierarchies: From Large-Scale Scenes to Pre-computed Shadows
Q&A Thank you for your attention Brief Q&A as time permits Lunch will be served in the Foyer shortly. Voxel DAGs and Multiresolution Hierarchies: From Large-Scale Scenes to Pre-computed Shadows