Driver Diagram – Suicide Prevention


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Presentation transcript:

Driver Diagram – Suicide Prevention Primary Drivers Secondary Drivers Change Ideas Priority Change Ideas Driver Diagram – Suicide Prevention Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard Self Harm Implementation of Self Harm Strategy Work Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard Debt & Unemployment Debt, economic & employment advice to middle aged men via HOPE project expansion The Problem: There is are a higher than average number of suicides across the South West Men (Middle Aged) Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard LTCs/Alcohol/Drug Use THRIVE & MH literacy Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard Loneliness & isolation relationship breakdown, underlying mental illness IAPT – Delivering access Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard Move to an integrated crisis response – improved psychiatric liaison offer Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard AIM: To reduce preventable suicides Poor engagement with services Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard Implementing NICE –evidence Moving away from home/transition Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard : Students Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard Process Measure: How much: By when: Student Directory loneliness, not engaging with studies MH well being offer across universities Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard Outcome Measure: Reduce suicide By 10%: by 2021: Alcohol /drug use Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard Understanding underlying factors Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard To reduce preventable suicides by 10% from 10.7 to 9.6 per 100,000 population by 2021, focusing on 3 specific areas: middle aged men, students and promoting awareness. Underlying mental illness tips into being an issue Underlying mental illness Targeted work re students complex presentation/PD Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard Basic Mental health First Aid training at scale Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard Population Process Measure: How much: By when: Awareness/ Reducing Stigma to increase access Maximise campaigns Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard Encourage sporting activity over 35 yrs Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard Men don’t cry – intensive peer counselling Impact: High Low Implementation: Easy Hard