The Twenties Woman and Popular Culture
MAIN IDEA What are we studying today?
Terms & Names What is a flapper?
Young Women Change the Rules How does a flapper break the mold of the traditional woman in the United States?
Young Women Change the Rules Why is having a shorter haircut or dress liberating for women of the 20s?
THE DOUBLE STANDARD Why could one say the flapper was the ideal but not the reality of the 1920s?
THE DOUBLE STANDARD How do ideals about marriage change?
THE DOUBLE STANDARD What is a double standard?
THE DOUBLE STANDARD Why can it be said that women were held to a double standard?
Women Shed Old Roles at Home and at Work What jobs were women performing for the war?
Women Shed Old Roles at Home and at Work Why did people assume women would quit their jobs when the “boys came home.”
Women Shed Old Roles at Home and at Work Why are so few women able to become managers?
Education and Popular Culture What was the problem having so many foreign-born students?
Education and Popular Culture How does the government solve the issue of growing school expenses?
EXPANDING NEWS COVERAGE AND RADIO Why do magazines and newspapers flourish in the 1920s?
EXPANDING NEWS COVERAGE AND RADIO Why are tabloids the most popular of the new periodicals?
EXPANDING NEWS COVERAGE AND RADIO What does the radio provide for the family?
America Chases New Heroes and Old Dreams Why does the interest in large scale entertainment grow?
America Chases New Heroes and Old Dreams Why was Babe Ruth so important to Baseball?
America Chases New Heroes and Old Dreams Why is Charles Lindbergh's’ flight so important?
ENTERTAINMENT AND THE ARTS What new forms of movies emerge in the 1920s?
WRITERS OF THE 1920s Who was Sinclair Lewis?
WRITERS OF THE 1920s Who was F. Scott Fitzgerald?
WRITERS OF THE 1920s Who was Edna St. Vincent Millay?
WRITERS OF THE 1920s Who was Ernest Hemingway?