The Balcony Scene With No Balcony Act 2 Scenes 1-2
Today’s Read Act 2 scenes 1 & 2 using the No Fear Shakespeare Guide Goals Goals Focus Questions Read Act 2 scenes 1 & 2 using the No Fear Shakespeare Guide To reflect upon the realistic or nonrealistic qualities of play To analyze the story for plot How does the guide help you understand the text? Does this portion of the play seem like it could happen in real life? What is happening in the story?
Summary: 2nd act means, Chorus is BACK!!!! Remember, this guy comes on stage to let us know what is real the deal. This is the guy who will actually tell us what this act is going to be about. So no more summary from me right now!
Act 2 Scene 1 Review Romeo doesn’t want to leave the Capulet’s house after the party because his heart (Juliet) is still there. Benvolio and Mercutio are looking for Romeo, thinking he’s still sad over Rosaline. Romeo gives ‘em the slip. Mercutio trys to “summon” Romeo by calling forth Rosaline, but all this is in mockery/making fun of Romeo and his depression. When Romeo doesn’t show, the boys give up, and leave it be.
Act 2 Scene 2 Romeo reappears from his hiding space and says that Mercutio doesn’t know what he’s talking about because he’s never been in love the way Romeo has. But soft? What light through yonder window breaks? And of course, he see’s Juliet in the window and begin the soliloquy in which Romeo speaks of how he loves his Juliet. As he is admiring her, she doesn’t notice that Romeo is there, and begins to speak to herself, reflecting on what a wonderful night she’s had.
Act 2 Scene 2 Continued Wherefore art thou Romeo?- WHY are you Romeo? Juliet realizes that the only reason Romeo is her enemy is because of his name- Montague. Romeo, himself, is actually the person she’s in love with. She asks Romeo to get rid of his name, to which Romeo then reveals he has heard all of her thoughts. Once she realizes its Romeo, she is greatly concerned about how he got here, why he came, and the fact that he would be killed if anyone found him (very factual, and serious.) Romeo responds with lofty answers, such as “I flew over the walls with love’s wings” (bleh…) and says let people come to try to kill him, he is invincible against hate. Very poetic, and not looking at reality. Love will not save your life… because… well… they die.
Act 2 Scene 2 Continued After a while, the nurse calls Juliet away. But Juliet can’t leave Romeo. Then she asks him if his purpose for being here is marriage. And he says yes, and she says she will send word for him tomorrow
Today: Prologue: We are going to LISTEN to the play being read aloud by actors See if you can determine meaning from tone and voice inflection Follow along in the NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE version, which has the side by side translation. Please do not write on these copies