Key Building Blocks Evaluating Community Coalitions & Partnerships Process Strengthen member engagement, grow member skills, promote member satisfaction, improve the quality of the group‘s process, improve the quality of the group‘s planning products. Outcome Monitor plan implementation and document what the group has accomplished in the community. Impact Track community conditions, behaviors, and consequences. Adjust coalition practices and interventions in response to a changing community. Assess potential contribution to improvement.
Key Building Blocks Goals & Methods Process Evaluation Common Methods Process Evaluation Survey of member satisfaction Exit interviews Quality standards assessment Peer / expert review of planning products (assessments, logic models, action plans, etc.) Strengthen member participation Promote member satisfaction Improve the quality of the coalition’s listening, analysis, planning, and implementation. Outcomes Evaluation Key informant interviews Review of community records / media Observation / documentation systems Monitor plan implementation Document what the coalition accomplishes in the community Impact Evaluation Track community conditions, behaviors, and consequences Adjust coalition practices and interventions in response to a changing community Assess potential contribution to an improved community Archival and administrative data from community systems such as public health, safety, education, and welfare Population surveys (locally sponsored or state/national tools such as the YRBS, BRFSS)
Key Building Blocks Goals & Methods Current Actions Next Steps Process Evaluation Outcomes Evaluation Impact Evaluation
Key Building Blocks Connecting the parts of your coalition evaluation Process Outcome Near Term Impact Long Term Impact Skilled members participating in a high quality community problem solving process can implement new or improved programs, policies and practices in the community that change the community conditions that create risk or are needed to promote development so that people engage in healthier behaviors and enjoy the positive consequences of this behavior change.
Key Building Blocks The parts of your coalition evaluation are simultaneous and ongoing Outcomes evaluation usually requires 60% + of the overall evaluation effort. It is the ultimate barometer of process quality and the predictor of impact. PROCESS IMPACT Outcomes Evaluation Process evaluation is key to building coalition strength. Because members will naturally come and go and community conditions will change, process evaluation is ongoing throughout the life of the community coalition. Impact evaluation begins in all of the listening and data gathered that informed initial action and continues in the ongoing monitoring of community conditions, behaviors, and consequences of interest.