Day 2: Sara Teasdale and Tyburn Poetry
Poet Focus Sara Teasdale
Tyburn A six-line poetic form The first four lines consist of just a single, two syllabled word each that all rhyme Line 5 has nine syllables, with the fifth to eighth syllables using the words from lines 1 and 2 Line 6 also has nine syllables, with the fifth to eighth syllables using the words from lines 3 and 4
Tyburn Examples Crashing Clashing Splashing Thrashing Fighting through the crashing, clashing sea Swims a little splashing, thrashing me. Blackest Darkest Coldest Oldest Burning in the Blackest, Darkest night There in lives the Coldest, Oldest fright
For the rest of class: Practice Tyburn Poetry 1 quality Tyburn will be included in your project Don’t forget the poetry analyses that need to be included in your project! Remember – all of your poems need to utilize dystopian themes in some way