1 2 TITLE: POPULATION. If you were an early settler,looking for somewhere to live, which of these 4 photos would you choose to live in? For each photo, list the advantages and disadvantages of living there. Then choose which you think is the best place to live. 3 4
1 Advantages: Nice climate with shelter Plenty of water Wood for fuel Animals in the forest to eat Looks like someone has been here already Disadvantages: Animals may be dangerous Poorly defended May be liable to flood
2 Advantages: Disadvantages:
2 Advantages: Disadvantages: 3
2 Advantages: Disadvantages: 3 4
Population Density Natural Increase Birth Rates Death Rates Sparse Questions: Can you think of any countries that have a lot of people living there? Can you think of any countries that have few people living there? Can you match the definitions below? Write them out in full in your books: Population Density The number of deaths per 1000 people in a country Natural Increase How close together or far apart people live. Birth Rates When people live far away from one another. Death Rates The number of births per 1000 people in a country. Sparse When people live very close together. Dense The difference between the number of people being born and the number of people dying. Extension: Why do we measure births and deaths per 1000?