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Undisturbed Rock Layers
The rock strata (layers) are in nice, neat, straight rows.
Undisturbed Rock Layers Disruption: Features
In a rock’s life: Fault Intrusion Definition: To throw into disorder
Undisturbed Rock Layers Disruption: Features
A fault is a break in the Earth’s crust along which blocks of the crust slide past one another.
A fault is a break in the Earth’s curst along which blocks of the crust slide past one another.
Undisturbed Rock Layers Disruption: Features
An intrusion is molten rock from the Earth’s surface that squeezes into existing rock and cools.
An intrusion is molten rock from the Earth’s surface that squeezes into existing rock and cools.
What is a fault? What is an intrusion?
Undisturbed Rock Layers
The rock strata (layers) are in nice, neat, straight rows.
Undisturbed Rock Layers Disruption: Events
In a rock’s life: Folding Tilting Definition: To throw into disorder
Undisturbed Rock Layers Disruption: Events
Folding occurs when rock layers bend and buckle from Earth’s internal forces.
Folding occurs when rock layers bend and buckle from Earth’s internal forces.
Undisturbed Rock Layers Disruption: Features
Tilting occurs when internal forces in the Earth slant rock layers.
Tilting occurs when internal forces in the Earth slant rock layers.
What is the difference between events and features which disrupts rock strata?