City of Reno BLIGHT INTIATIVE Alex C. Woodley, Acting Community Development Director June 10, 2015
Immediate Suggestions: CSAST Targeted areas of Blight (i.e. 4 block radius) Utilize Blight Mitigation Fund for demolitions 4/19/2019 City of Reno
Immediate Suggestions: Utilize Blight Mitigation Fund 4/19/2019 City of Reno
Immediate Suggestions: Montello Property After E Existing Today 4/19/2019 City of Reno
Impacts of Blight Mitigation 4/19/2019 City of Reno
Ponderosa Motel Shut Down/Remodel 4/19/2019 City of Reno
Immediate Suggestions: Proactively exapnd Multi Family Crime Free Training (RPD, BL, Code) & Brand the existing logo Create regulations differentiating Liquor stores & Convenience stores Amend Sign Ordinance or Licensing regulations (Alcohol licenses) 4/19/2019 City of Reno
Immediate Changes: Coordinate Together: - Created an agreement of Consent for Abatement of blighted buildings with detailed process requiring City Council approval and Mayor signature - Warrant vs. Consent - In 2011 NRS amended to collect Special Assess. for Chronic Violators - City sponsored these NRS amendments - Requirement to codify process in local ordinances (quarterly report to City Council of assessed properties) - At least 12 months notice to owner & total fines in excess of $5K - Criminal Prosecution - Developed procedures between the City Manager and the City Attorney's Office to pursue chronic violators criminally - RMC 8.22 Nuisances & Involvement of all parties 4/19/2019 City of Reno
Suggestions For Next Fiscal Year: Coincide Code Enforcement Efforts with existing PW/CIP efforts Neighborhood cleanups (6 @ $4-5k ea.= $24k - $30k) Replace remaining street cans with big bellies downtown (12 @ $4.5k = $54k) 4/19/2019 City of Reno
Suggestions For Next Fiscal Year: Create a program by ordinance requiring annual inspections of weekly motels (monitor success and possible expansion) Create a program to educate youth and parents on codes pertaining to their homes and neighborhoods. (i.e. visit schools, community events, etc.) For next vehicle replacement order a long bed pick up truck instead of a 4WD SUV. (Capacity to carry tools & equipment to facilitate immediate abatement of nuisance conditions.) 4/19/2019 City of Reno
Suggestions Without Limitations: Purchase two 3’ dump boxes for qualifying low income neighborhoods; $5k ea. (establish minimum requirements) Purchase a new heavy duty/hot water truck mounted pressure washer $20k each (used to clean alleys, curbs, etc.) Create a fund (Arts & Culture) for murals with local artists for vacant bldgs w/o code violations. Create art instead of boarded up bldgs. 4/19/2019 City of Reno
Existing Public Art 4/19/2019 City of Reno
Suggestions W/out Limitations: Purchase at least 1,000 graffiti kits to give out during City Council sponsored neighborhood cleanups ($10-$40 ea.) Purchase 10 new portable graffiti cameras ($5k - $6k ea.) Next Legislative Session amend NRS 268.4122 (30 day notice) 4/19/2019 City of Reno
Questions? 4/19/2019 City of Reno