Physical Best & FITNESSGRAM


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Presentation transcript:

Physical Best & FITNESSGRAM PHILOSOPHY Physical Best & FITNESSGRAM This short presentation provides an overview of the programs’ philosophy – in relation to both educators and students, and the benefits to both.

Philosophy…for Educators BY Physical Educators / FOR Physical Educators To help students “DO & UNDERSTAND” (bullet 1) BY Physical Educators / FOR Physical Educators – Physical Best is a practitioner program, supported by research and supporting standards, but focused on practical activities that have been used successfully in the classroom. (bullet 2) The program is designed by physical educators from around the country to help students “do and understand” the importance of regular physical activity.

Philosophy…for Educators Health-Oriented Healthful level of physical fitness Regular physical activity (bullet 1) Health Oriented – Rather than being performance-based, Physical Best (and FITNESSGRAM) are health-related or health-oriented – (bullet 2) meaning that the focus is on achieving and maintaining a healthful level of physical fitness, (bullet 3) as well as promoting the habit of regular physical activity.

Philosophy…for Educators Educational Linked to the National Standards Teaches students how and why Educational progression (bullet 1) Physical Best is educationally sound – (bullet 2) It is designed to support physical education, health and dance standards. (bullet 3) It provides activity that teaches students WHY activity is important, and HOW regular physical activity benefits them for a lifetime. (bullet 4) And the program follows an educational progression – so that upon graduation from high school, students will have the knowledge and skills to plan their own fitness programs and understand the importance of leading physically active lives. (demonstrated in the Stairway to Lifetime Fitness – next slide)

The Stairway to Lifetime Fitness C.B. Corbin and R.P. Pangrazi, 1989 Participate in Regular Exercise Achieve Physical Fitness Personal Exercise Patterns Evaluate Own Fitness Levels Problem Solve/Decision Making Educators can demonstrate that their curriculum follows the educational progression of the stairway to lifetime fitness through teaching Physical Best and FITNESSGRAM. Participate in Regular Exercise – learn personal fitness habits, exercise and enjoy it. Achieve Physical Fitness – meet minimum standards for health-related fitness; set realistic personal fitness goals. Personal Exercise Patterns – select personal activities, evaluate exercise programs and sports. Evaluate Own Fitness Levels – test personal fitness level; interpret scores, designs, and carry out personal fitness plan Problem Solve / Decision Making – values and lives a fit lifestyle; becomes informed consumer

Benefits to Educators Supports Standards Infuse into an existing curriculum Ready made & appropriate activities There are several benefits for physical educators and students who use the program. For educators… (bullet 1) Because PB & FG are linked to NASPE Physical Education Standards 3 & 4, and Dance and Health Education Content Standards (Instructor Note: Can personalize here and add state standards information) – teachers can demonstrate how their curriculum is designed to teach these standards. (bullet 2) The PB activities can be infused throughout an existing curriculum, without having to redesign a curriculum. (bullet 3) PB provides the tools to teach concepts through ready-made and tested activities – to maximize time in physical activity while teaching concepts

Philosophy… for Students Enjoyable Realistic For students, the program is designed to be – Enjoyable: Students participate in activity that they choose and enjoy. Realistic: Students explore many ways to be physically active and improve their health, so that the knowledge they learn transfers to real-life settings. Fair: Students are assessed on efforts toward personal improvement and scores are used for goal setting purposes. Fair

Benefits to Students Teaching knowledge & values Enjoyable Participation All students can be successful Benefits for students – (bullet 1) PB & FG focus on teaching knowledge about & promoting the value of health-related fitness and physical activity – in order to foster lifelong learners as well as practice of a healthy and physically active lifestyle. (bullet 2) They emphasize enjoyable PARTICIPATION in physical activity. (bullet 3) All students can be successful, because… (Instructor Note: go to next slide)

Benefits to Students INDIVIDUALIZED Students compete only with themselves! Results/printouts Intrinsic motivation (bullet 1) The Physical Best and FITNESSGRAM programs focus on individualization – (bullet 2) which allows all students to achieve without comparison to each other - Students can work at their own levels, so that they can become the best they are capable of becoming. (bullet 3) Their fitness result printouts provide prescriptive feedback based upon their results – (1) to provide feedback in comparison to what is healthy, not in comparison to others and (2) to provide individualization and enhance students’ learning about their bodies and how to make appropriate lifestyle choices and changes (bullet 4) And – The motivational focus is intrinsic – to motivate students to set their own fitness goals The essence of the philosophy is summarized on next and final slide…

An Important Message! Educating all children – to achieve their Physical Best (read slide) This is an important element of the philosophy. In essence, Physical Best and FITNESSGRAM focus on all children working to achieve their Physical Best.