Developing Your Thesis Paragraph for TKAM Paper Name: Date: CCSS: W.8.2; W.8.2a (Writing Informational/Analysis) Developing Your Thesis Paragraph for TKAM Paper 1. THE BIG PICTURE: You have collected your quotations and now it's time to decide where your paper is headed. Consider your Quotation Collection to determine which theme you may support most successfully. This will become your paper's general subject. 2. YOUR TREATMENT: Now you'll need to narrow it down and make your general subject more specific and manageable. This will become your specific topic. 3. THESIS STATEMENT: This statement sums up your interpretation of the book's message about the specific topic. It may consider the specific topic through the eyes of one or more characters. Organize your thoughts: General Subject: Specific Topic: Thesis Statement: Brainstorm Evidence for the Thesis:
Outlining Your Structure for TKAM Paper Name: Date: Version 2 Outlining Your Structure for TKAM Paper Now you are ready to map out your paper! First re-write your thesis statement below, so you have it in mind when you're considering the order of the topic paragraphs. Then, using the information from your brainstorming session, develop a general outline. My Thesis Statement: ¶ 1. Thesis Paragraph ¶ 2. ¶ 3. ¶ 4. With Concluding Statement Topic Paragraphs
Organizing Your Thesis Paragraph for TKAM Paper Name: Date: Organizing Your Thesis Paragraph for TKAM Paper THE MAIN ELEMENTS OF THE THESIS PARAGRAPH: 1. HOOK: Gain your reader's interest. Effective hook techniques: Interesting and important background information (i.e. Jim Crow Era; “separate but equal”) Brief anecdote / story Epigraph / famous quotation used to reflect your argument Thought-provoking question Startling facts 2. INTRODUCE YOUR TOPIC / DEFINE YOUR TERMS: provide general information about the main idea, explaining the situation so the reader can make sense of the topic and the claims you make. 3. THESIS STATEMENT: compose a sentence or two stating the position you will support. ALL THESIS PARAGRAPHS MUST BE AT LEAST 5 SENTENCES IN LENGTH!
Your Thesis Paragraph for TKAM Paper Name: Date: Your Thesis Paragraph for TKAM Paper Using the information from our brainstorming session, let's develop the elements of my thesis paragraph together. 1. HOOK: Gain your reader's interest. 2. COMMENT ON YOUR HOOK: Provide a transition from hook to definition. 3. DEFINE YOUR TERMS: Provide your reader with any necessary meanings of key terms and establish your own understanding of the theme. 4. DISCUSS YOUR TOPIC: Provide general information about the main idea, explaining the situation so the reader can make sense of the topic and the claims you make. DO NOT LIST YOUR REASONS! 5. THESIS STATEMENT: Compose a sentence or two stating the position you will support.
Brainstorming the Body Paragraph for TKAM Paper Name: Date: Body ¶ : # Brainstorming the Body Paragraph for TKAM Paper THE MAIN ELEMENTS OF THE BODY PARAGRAPH: 1. TOPIC SENTENCE: What is the focus of the paragraph? 2. QUOTATIONS: Which quotations from the text will best support this specific topic as well as your thesis statement? 3. EXPLANATIONS: How will you explain the quotations you've chosen? This is the place to tell me what you think of the text and how you interpret it.
Body Paragraph for TKAM Paper (# ) Using the information from your brainstorming session and your Quotation Collection, develop the elements of your body paragraph. 1. TOPIC: What is the focus of the paragraph? 2. BACKGROUND INFO. FROM TEXT: Provide your reader with a sentence or two of textual explanation (set the scene). 3. FIRST QUOTATION: Be sure to use correct MLA in-text citation punctuation. 4. EXPLANATION / DISCUSSION: Here's where you get to the good stuff. 5. BACKGROUND INFO. FROM TEXT: 6. SECOND QUOTATION: 7. EXPLANATION / DISCUSSION:
Brainstorming the Body Paragraph for TKAM Paper Name: Date: Body ¶ : # Brainstorming the Body Paragraph for TKAM Paper THE MAIN ELEMENTS OF THE BODY PARAGRAPH: 1. TOPIC SENTENCE: What is the focus of the paragraph? 2. QUOTATIONS: Which quotations from the text will best support this specific topic as well as your thesis statement? 3. EXPLANATIONS: How will you explain the quotations you've chosen? This is the place to tell me what you think of the text and how you interpret it.
Body Paragraph for TKAM Paper (# ) Using the information from your brainstorming session and your Quotation Collection, develop the elements of your body paragraph. 1. TOPIC: What is the focus of the paragraph? 2. BACKGROUND INFO. FROM TEXT: Provide your reader with a sentence or two of textual explanation (set the scene). 3. FIRST QUOTATION: Be sure to use correct MLA in-text citation punctuation. 4. EXPLANATION / DISCUSSION: Here's where you get to the good stuff. 5. BACKGROUND INFO. FROM TEXT: 6. SECOND QUOTATION: 7. EXPLANATION / DISCUSSION:
Concluding Paragraph for TKAM Paper (# ) Using the information from your brainstorming session and your Quotation Collection, develop the elements of your concluding paragraph. 1. TOPIC: What is the focus of the paragraph? 2. BACKGROUND INFO. FROM TEXT: Provide your reader with a sentence or two of textual explanation (set the scene). 3. FIRST QUOTATION: Be sure to use correct MLA in-text citation punctuation. 4. EXPLANATION / DISCUSSION: Here's where you get to the good stuff. 5. BACKGROUND INFO. FROM TEXT: 6. SECOND QUOTATION: 7. EXPLANATION / DISCUSSION:
Concluding Paragraph for TKAM Argument Paper 8. CONCLUDING STATEMENTS: Wrap up your argument by tying together the points you have raised and discussing the issue in relation to the “bigger picture” suggested by the text. GO BEYOND: Make a final statement that goes beyond your thesis. You may consider one of the following: a. provide new insight or perspective b. suggest the implications of the issues covered (perhaps historically) c. consider how your issue fits into “the big picture” d. leave your reader with a question or make a prediction yourself e. reconsider your hook or a discussion with Harper Lee