Local Habitat Sampling
A quadrat can be used to sample a species’ population in an area. Carry out an investigation in to a local habitat. (Level 4/5) Be able to plan ways to sample habitats. (Level 5/6) Analyze key results collected from local study. (Level 6/7) Keywords: Quadrat, Estimate, Average, Area, Population, Quadrat A quadrat can be used to sample a species’ population in an area. Today you will use quadrat sampling to estimate the population density and population size of dandelion/plantain* on the school field. You will also estimate the population dispersion patterns of both species.
Plantain Dandelion
Take the quadrat and look behind you to ensure no one is there. Carry out an investigation in to a local habitat. (Level 4/5) Be able to plan ways to sample habitats. (Level 5/6) Analyze key results collected from local study. (Level 6/7) Keywords: Quadrat, Estimate, Average, Area, Population, Quadrat Take the quadrat and look behind you to ensure no one is there. Gently throw the quadrat behind you. This helps to ensure it is a random sample. Count how many of dandelion/plantain* there are inside the quadrat. Repeat another 14 times, recording your results each time in your table.
Estimate of Population Size Carry out an investigation in to a local habitat. (Level 4/5) Be able to plan ways to sample habitats. (Level 5/6) Analyze key results collected from local study. (Level 6/7) Keywords: Quadrat, Estimate, Average, Area, Population, What about our school field? 1. Make an estimate of what you think the population of dandelions and plantain are on the school field. Number of dandelions Number of plantain Estimate of Population Size
What about our school field? Keywords: Quadrat, Estimate, Average, Area, Population, What about our school field? Area Number of Dandelions Plantains 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 15
Make qualitative observations about the area you are sampling. [C-2] Keywords: Quadrat, Estimate, Average, Area, Population, Task Make qualitative observations about the area you are sampling. [C-2] Determine the population size and population density of both your species based on your sample data. Include calculations. [A-8] Compare the values for each species. Were they similar or different? Explain any possible reasons for the differences. [C-2] Based on your quantitative and qualitative data, make an educated guess as to what the dispersion patterns are for each species. [I-2] What are two possible problems associated with using quadrat sampling to estimate the population sizes of the species chosen. [I-2] Suggest how you could have measured a better estimate of the actual number of dandelion/plantain* on the school field. [I-2]
Calculate the area of the quadrat (length x width). Carry out an investigation in to a local habitat. (Level 4/5) Be able to plan ways to sample habitats. (Level 5/6) Analyze key results collected from local study. (Level 6/7) Keywords: Quadrat, Estimate, Average, Area, Population, Calculation Support Calculate the mean (average) number of plants per quadrat (total number of plants found divided by 15). Calculate the area of the quadrat (length x width). Calculate the area of the school field. Calculate the number of quadrats that would cover the school field (Area of school field divided Area of quadrat). Calculate the number of plants on the school field (mean number of plants multiplied by total number of quadrats on the school field).
Are you now able to…. Carry out an investigation in to a local habitat. (Level 4/5) Be able to plan ways to sample habitats. (Level 5/6) Analyze key results collected from local study. (Level 6/7) Keywords: Quadrat, Estimate, Average, Area, Population, I still feel unsure. I need some more help to understand. I feel ok. I need to do some more work to check my understanding. I am happy and feel I understand and can explain the main points.