Fraxiparin Trial Placebo Control,Open Label Gurfinkel et al JACC 26:313,1995 47% 50% 21% Event Rate 35 p=0.001 30 25 # Pts 20 Death 15 This open label trial of fraxiparin, another low molecular weight heparin with characteristics similar to enoxaparin, was conducted in Buenos Aires. The primary endpoint was the sum of death, myocardial infarction, or recurrent angina. Although the trial was originally designed to enroll over 300 patients, the DSMB recommended early termination because of the striking benefit of the combination of aspirin and fraxiparin, in reducing the primary endpoint. The major benefit seen was a reduction in MI and recurrent angina. MI 10 Rec Ang 5 N=73 N=70 N=68 ASA ASA + UFH ASA + Frax