Indirect Object Pronouns
Indirect Objects (IO’s) Tells us where the direct object (DO) is going Answers “to whom” or “for whom” the action of the verb is performed
IO tells where the DO is going **He gives the book to María. DO = the book Where is the book going? --> to María IO = María **I gave my students a test. DO = a test Where is the test going? --> my students IO = students
IO answers “to whom” or “for whom” the action is being performed **He gives the book to María. To whom does he give the book to? IO = María **I gave my students a test. To whom did I give a test? IO = my students
the pen, the book, a hug, a migraine I gave my students… Sentences that have an indirect object usually also have a direct object. Remember the IO tells us where the DO is going. Some sentences just wouldn’t work without a DO. He gives María… the pen, the book, a hug, a migraine I gave my students… homework, a quiz, the flu, money
Sometimes the DO is implied or understood, rather than stated **Mom emails me every Tuesday. DO = electronic message (understood) IO = me (Mom emails me an electronic message every Tues.) **He told her. DO = it (understood) IO = her (He told it to her.)
When a pronoun takes the place of the name of the IO, use the following pronouns Nos (us) Te (you-familiar) Os (you-all-familiar) Le (him, her, you-formal) Les (them, you-all)
In an affirmative statement with one verb, the IOP comes immediately before the conjugated verb Ana me escribe cada semana. (writes me) Ana te escribe cada semana. (writes you) Ana le escribe cada semana. (writes him, her or ud.) Ana nos escribe cada semana. (writes us) Ana les escribe cada semana (writes them or you all)
Lets focus on the indirect object phrase and its English equivalent Me escribe (writes (to) me) Te escribe (writes (to) you) Le escribe (writes (to) him, her or usted) Nos escribe (writes (to) us) Les escribe (writes (to) them or you all)
Similar to the DOP, the IOP can pose a problem if you try to translate word for word **Ana les escribe cada semana. Ana to them writes each week. **Mi mamá me compró una muñeca. My mom for me bought a doll.
It helps to think in phrases, not words, phrases that consist of a pronoun and a conjugated verb. Notice how the IO stays the same in the following sentences while the subject of the phrase changes. Me escribe --> she, he or ud. writes me Me escribes --> you write me Me escriben --> they or you’ll write me
le / les = to him, her or usted / to them or you all By adding a prepositional phrase, the ambiguity can be elimintated. Sometimes a prepositional phrase is added for emphasis, rather than clarity
Usa las palabras para crear la oración abajo *Juan used to give me coins. Juan me daba monedas. *My parents used to buy them action figures. Mis padres les compraban muñecos. *I used to lie to my mom. Le Mentía a mi mamá.
Usa las palabras para crear la oración abajo *As a child, Juanita used to listen to you. De niña, Juanita te escuchaba. *You need to buy me a turtle. Me necesitas comprar una tortuga. *We must lend her the blocks. Le debemos prestar los bloques a ella.
Usa las palabras para crear la oración abajo *As a child, Marcos used to lie to us. De niño, Marcos nos mentía. *She is lying to you. Ella te está mintiendo. *We are buying her a tricycle. Le estamos comprando un triciclo.