Specific Heat Capacity
Drum Roll please…. Winners from our Thermos Challenge determined by the judges are: 701: 3rd Place: Kate (The Hot and Cold) 2nd Place: Tyler (The Quarter Litre Flask) 1st Place: Matheas (Heat-o-Tron 9000) Honourable Mentions: Matthew (The X model); Jayden/Ty/Jayden (The Prothermos); Aicha/Maya ( The Burst of Heat) 702: 3rd Place: Jun/Maximo (Thermol) 2nd Place: Julia/Saeyoon (Robotomos) 1st Place: Rudy (The Heavy Weight) Honorourable Mentions: Elizabeth (Warmus Thermos); Emma (Frigid & Fiery); Tobias (Thermosatron 3000)
Calculating Thermos Efficiency Given in °C/min Calculation: °Cfinal - °Cinital = -____°C/min total time (mins) Ex: (65°C-78°C)= -13°C = -0.43°C/min 30 mins 30m Please show this calculation on the back of your Thermos testing sheet- hand in brochure/testing sheet with name on it to pass in bin! Thermos can be taken home Tuesday!
What is Heat Capacity? Heat Capacity: a number that tells you how much thermal energy must be added to the object to make its temperature increase by 1°C Large (#)= large amount of heat is required to make its temperature increase a little (eg: water) Small (#)= small amount of heat is required to make its temperature increase (eg: sand)
Specific Heat Capacity Temperature change depends on how much of material you are trying to heat up Specific Heat Capacity: the amount of energy you must add to a standard amount of a material (1g or 1Kg) to increase its temperature by 1°C)
Example: Copper and Water Specific Heat Capacity of Cu: 0.39J/gºC It takes 0.39J (J=joules, a measurement of energy) to warm 1g of copper 1ºC To warm it by 2ºC you need 2x0.39J=0.78J Specific heat capacity of water: 4.186J/gºC It takes 4.186J of energy to warm 1g of water 1ºC
Specific Heat Capacity- Water Water has a high heat capacity, so it can store a lot of heat, and it takes a long time to heat up (compared to other substances) and a long time to cool off In other words, water can absorb a lot of heat without raising its temperature very much (good as a cooling system of engines/other systems)
Specific Heat Capacity of Common Materials
To Quote Rhianna: Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work Hot Stuff! Think About it! Worksheet: Answer questions on separate piece of paper (Corrected as a class) ICA: Specific Heat Capacity To be done on your own- put in pass in bin with name on it when completed