10C Quantiles or k-values Unit 3: Statistical Applications 10C 4/19/2019 11:23 PM
Quantiles using a Calculator Copy Suppose How do we find if ? In other words, what is the boundary between the bottom 95% and the top 5% of the data? On Calculator: 2nd > Distr > invNorm( For many GDCs, you MUST type in the area (probability) to the left of k. And so, if given a probability to the right of k: 10C 4/19/2019 11:23 PM
z-scores based on the standard normal distribution formula for a z-score: 10C 4/19/2019 11:23 PM
z-scores every normally distributed variable can be transformed into the z-distribution The absolute value of the z-score is how many standard deviations the score is away from the mean and can be used to compare pieces of data in different normally distributed variables. This might be a simple mathematical process that is relevant to use in your project. 10C 4/19/2019 11:23 PM
Practice p. 310: 3-6, 8-9 Read and follow all instructions. List the page and problem numbers alongside your work and answers in your notes. Use the back of the book to check your answers. Copy 10C 4/19/2019 11:23 PM