Measuring Metric Units: Capacity By Lisa Bobbett And Diane Miller <--- To Teacher Page
Teacher Page Second Grade Measuring: Metric Measuring Capacity Tips: -Teachers, please read through the whole presentation prior to the activity. -Each activity is meant to be used in addition to your classroom teaching. -Each activity includes a journal component. Objectives: TLW determine the appropriate metric unit for measuring capacity. Teacher Page
1,000 milliliters (mL) = 1 Liter (L) Units of Capacity 1,000 milliliters (mL) = 1 Liter (L) Journal each time you see this notepad.. The total capacity of 3 soda cans is about 1L. ---> Click here for the activity ---->
For each item write more or less than one liter . B. C. E. D. F. Click here for the answers --->
Each of these would be less than one liter Each of these would be measured in liters. Journal Activity: Name 3 other items that may be measured using liters.