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Presentation transcript:

Type your topic here Electoral Commission Quarters 2 & 3 performance report to Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs 6 March 2018 Type your topic here Electoral Matters May 2016

OVERVIEW Introduction: Performance for second and third quarters were achieved against the backdrop of the following environmental factors: the urgent need to require and record addresses of voters on the voters roll, which included an online address harvesting campaign and preparations for the address harvesting week-end scheduled for 10 and 11 March; a highly contested and fractious political environment, which resulted in an increase in the number of by-elections; and continued economic difficulties and constrained fiscal conditions. These factors had a huge impact on the financial and human resources of the Electoral Commission. Progress is reported as follows:

UPDATE ON ADDRESS HARVESTING FOR VOTERS’ ROLL Voters’ roll address category Number registered voters: 15 March 2016 Number registered voters: 6 Dec 2016 Number registered voters: 31 May 2017 Number registered voters: 30 Nov 2017 Complete address[2] 8 468 119 (34%) 19 005 369 (72%) 18 971 899 (73%) 19 418 210 (75%) “REC AS” address[3] - 149 099 (1%) 134 117 (1%) 115 142 (0,4%) Incomplete/generic address[4] 8 601 195 (34%) 3 716 782 (14%) 4 042 440 (15%) 3 551 266 (14%) No recorded address[5] – total 7 857 156 (32%) 3 298 291 (313%) 2 909 294 (11%) 2 815 160 (11%) Pre-December 2003, no recorded address   1 380 293 1 200 782 1 160 615 Post-December 2003, no recorded address 1 917 998 1 708 512 1 654 545 Total registered voters 24 926 470 26 169 541 26 057 750 25 899 778

ADDRESS HARVESTING WEEKEND 10 – 11 MARCH Number of voting stations to open: 22 609 of the 22 617 Temporary structures: 1 178 (5.21%) Mobile voting stations: 31 (0.14%) 8 voting stations will not open due to population movements Voting stations in Vuwani might also not open Staff recruitment: 73 095 67 851 voting station staff 4 392 area managers 354 APCs 505 fieldworkers Teachers: 19% Young people (under 35): 42% Unemployed: 64% Women: 73% Cost:+/-R230 million This includes venue hire, recruitment and training of staff, materials and transport. It also includes a communications and advertising campaign to promote the weekend and the online facility.

BY-ELECTIONS YEAR-TO-DATE By-Election Statistics (1 Apr 2017 - 2 Mar 2018) Province Municipalities By-Elections Voting Districts Registered Voters Ave Voter Turnout Disolved LCs/MCs Eastern Cape 9 64 37,685 45.20% Free State 3 44* 74 98,975 47.02% 1 Gauteng 6 28 75,889 29.35% KwaZulu-Natal 11 161 137,689 55.88% Limpopo 16 13,500 49.82% Mpumalanga 5 22 23,604 42.41% North West 4 20 14,744 45.07% Northern Cape 19 17,914 53.00% Western Cape 46 84,990 36.90% Total 49 114 450 504,990   By-Election Statistics (1 Apr 2016 - 31 Mar 2017) Province Municipalities By-Elections Voting Districts Registered Voters Ave Voter Turnout Disolved LCs/MCs Eastern Cape 6 8 46 47,388 41.84% Free State 2 12 13,469 51.73% Gauteng 0.00% KwaZulu-Natal 5 35 36,286 56.35% Limpopo 14 13,747 49.47% Mpumalanga 3 10 11,740 53.69% North West Northern Cape 1 2,104 63.69% Western Cape 17 28,151 40.07% Total 21 25 137 152,885  

BY-ELECTIONS YEAR-TO-DATE (REASONS) 2017/18 By-Election Reason By-Elections/Wards Death of Councillor 33 Dissolved Council 42 Other 17 Election Set Aside by Court 1 Resignation of Councillor 16 Termination of Councillor Membership from Party 5   114 2016/17 By-Election Reason By-Elections/Wards Death of Councillor 13 Election Set Aside By Court 1 Resignation of Councillor 11   25

UPDATE ON PARTY FUNDING LEGISLATION Political Party Funding Bill approved by the Ad Hoc Committee in November 2017 and tabled for debate in National Assembly in December 2017 It was expected that the legislation would be approved in time for implementation by June 2018 (ahead of NPE 2019) However, the Bill has now been referred back to Chief Whips’ Forum following a request from the DA for a costing exercise to be conducted In January 2018 National Treasury wrote to the Electoral Commission to advise that no funding was available for the implementation of this legislation in the 2018/19 financial year It requested Electoral Commission to submit a revised cost estimate for implementation of the legislation by 9 March 2018 Electoral Commission estimates a start-up cost of +/-R30 million in 2018/19 and thereafter the Bill provides for a maximum of 10% per annum of the donations received in the Multiparty Democracy Fund to administer party funding.

OVERVIEW SUMMARY FOR QUARTER 2 (2017/18) continued Programme # of targets # achieved / exceeded # not achieved % Achievemen t Programme 1: Administration 6 3 50% Programme 2: Electoral Operations 5 100% Programme 3: Outreach 2 1 67% Total 14 10 4 71%

REASONS FOR NON-ACHIEVEMENT OF TARGETS PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION The following performance targets were not achieved during the quarter under review: Indicator 1.1.1 which deals with the number of Commission meetings held was not achieved due to the postponement of the September Commission meeting to 6 October due to international travel obligations of some Commissioners. Indicator 1.2.2 which deals with the with the number of quarterly internal audit progress reports per annum prepared by the Chief Audit Executive and reviewed by the Audit Committee was not achieved due to the Audit Committee meeting taking place later than originally planned. The indicator is earmarked for a proposed revision during the 24 November Commission meeting. Indicator 1.3.2 which stipulates the number of short courses attended by staff was not achieved due to budget constraints and resultant essential budget reprioritizations. This indicator is earmarked for a proposed revision during the 24 November Commission meeting.

REASONS FOR NON-ACHIEVEMENT OF TARGETS (cont.) PROGRAMME 2: ELECTORAL OPERATIONS All performance targets set for Quarter 2 have been achieved. PROGRAMME 3: OUTREACH Indicator 3.1.2 which stipulates the number of civic and democracy education events held per annum is not achieved as yet but due to the quality assurances processes currently underway the quarter two target might still be achieved. A process is being implemented to ensure that the quality assurance processes do not delay the achievement of targets.

PROGRAMME 1 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 1.1 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Exercise oversight (monitoring, evaluation and leadership) to ensure the effective implementation of the Electoral Commission’s core mandate, strategic goals and objectives, aligned with the corresponding budget allocation. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.1 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments 1.1.1 Number of Commission meetings held per annum 3 2 -1 Target not met. The 3rd meeting was postponed to 6 October 2017 due to international travel obligations. 1.1.2 Number of quarterly reports per annum reviewed by the CEO within 30 days after the start of the next quarter 1 Target met.

PROGRAMME 1 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 1.2 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Exercise efficient oversight (monitoring, evaluation and support) by the provisioning of assurance and risk management services. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.2 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  1.2.1 Number of risk based annual internal audit plans approved.by the Audit Committee each year by 30 June in the financial year to which the plan relates. 0  Not applicable in Q2   1.2.2 Number of quarterly internal audit progress reports per annum prepared by the Chief Audit Executive and reviewed by the Audit Committee each year within 30 days after the start of the next quarter. 1 -1 To be considered by the AC at the next quarter meeting scheduled for 21 November 2017. NB: As agreed AC Quarter meetings are now held at least six weeks after the quarter end i.e. the 30 days requirement can no longer be met. 1.2.3 Quarterly review and update the Electoral Commission’s strategic risk register by the Executive Risk Management Committee within 30 days after the start of the next quarter. Target met. Risk register reviewed and updated at the ERMC meeting of 26 October 2017.

PROGRAMME 1 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 1.3 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Build institutional capacity to enable the Electoral Commission to deliver on its constitutional mandate. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.3 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  1.3.1 Number of permanent staff positions filled per annum. (Posts filled for part of the year will be counted on a pro rata basis) Not applicable in Q2. 1.3.2 Number of permanent staff who were provided with developmental training interventions per annum. 249 81 -168 Due to budget constraints most of the training interventions were put on hold in Q2. 1.3.3 Extent of compliance with performance management system as evidenced by the existence of performance agreements and performance assessment for the year under review

PROGRAMME 1 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 1.4 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Manage financial resources efficiently to protect the public image of the Electoral Commission as an accountable institution. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.4 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  1.4.1 Achieve an unqualified audit report on the annual financial statements each year n/a Not applicable in Q2.

PROGRAMME 1 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 1.5 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Provide and maintain a stable, secure and scalable ICT environment that meets the functional needs of the Electoral Commission to ensure the credibility of electronic electoral processes. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.4 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  1.5.1 Minimum annual % network and application systems availability measured in hours (system generated report available) 97% of 567 hours achieve ment 98,464% (558.306 hours) 1,464% (8.694 hours) The target was exceeded. 1.5.2 Upgrade IT hardware and platform on a five year cycle as per the approved ICT strategy and plan (Phase 1) by 31 March 2017, (Phase 2) by 31 March 2018 and (Phase 3) by 31 March 2019 Not relevant in Q2.

PROGRAMME 2 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 2.1 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Manage free and fair elections in accordance with the applicable electoral timetables to ensure the efficient and credible execution of the mandate of the Electoral Commission. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.1 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  2.1.1 Average number of calendar days in which elections are conducted from date of vacancy in each year covered by this plan. The date of the vacancy is the date on which the Electoral Commission receives the notification. Within 90 days Within 82 days 8 days There were 18 by-elections in Q2 2017-18 all of which were held within 90 days. The average time to fill all 18 vacancies was 82 days in Q2 2017-18. 2.1.2 Average number of calendar days in which to replace PR seat vacancies in each year covered by this plan.The date of the vacancy is the date on which the Electoral Commission receives the notification. Within 35 days Within 16 days 19 days The department was more efficient than the target set.   2.1.3 Number of calendar days in which election results for each election are announced by the Electoral Commission in each year covered by this plan. By-Elections Within 7 days 1 day for 17 by-elections and 2 days for 1 by-election 6 days The results for 17 by-elections were announced in 1 day and results for 1 by-election were announced in 2 days in Q2 2017-18. 2.1.4 Number of elections set aside in each year covered by this plan 0 (None) 0 none No elections were set aside in Q2.

PROGRAMME 2 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 2.2 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Maintain an accurate national common voter’s roll to ensure the credibility of elections. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.2 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  2.2.1 Number of registered voters reflected on the voters' roll as at 31 March each year n/a Not applicable in Q2. 2.2.2 Reduction in number of registered voters who appeared on the voters roll as at 31 March 2016 for who the Electoral Commission did not have addresses or sufficient particularities for each year covered by this plan*

PROGRAMME 2 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 2.3 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Ensure efficient election delivery by the timely establishment of accessible and suitable voting facilities and processes and by applying infrastructure and logistical resources to meet operational demands for main electoral events. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.3 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  2.3.1 Number of contracted voting stations in place on main registration weekends or general election days in the years where applicable  Non election year Non election year n/a  Not applicable in the current financial year 2.3.2 Timely sourced electoral materials in accordance with the approved materials requirement plan (MRP) and bill of material (BOM) delivered to voting stations, for each main electoral event (i.e. NPE and LGE).  

PROGRAMME 2 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 2.4 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Provide consultative and cooperative liaison platforms between the Electoral Commission and political parties to facilitate free and fair elections. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.4 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  2.4.1 Number of liaison sessions held with members of party liaison committees (PLCs) at national (x1), provincial (x 9) and municipal (x213) levels per annum 223 liaison sessions 1 Nat / 9 Prov/ 213 Local 291 liaison sessions 1 Nat / 8 Prov/ 282 Local 68 The number of liaison session increased by 68 and exceeded the target set for Q2. This was due to the increase in the number of by –elections held

4. PROGRAMME 2 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 2.5 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Strive for excellence at voting station level to enhance the integrity of elections and to enable the Electoral Commission to deliver on its mandate. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.5 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  2.5.1 Number of electoral staff recruited and trained per annum.  Non election year   Non election year n/a   Not applicable in the current financial year

PROGRAMME 3 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 3.1 linked to Strategic Goal 3 Encourage the electorate’s engagement with, and participation in, electoral processes in order to facilitate the right to vote as enshrined in the Constitution. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 3.1 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  3.1.1 Number of voters who turnout in national and local government elections, as a percentage of registered voters in years when applicable  Non election year Non election year n/a  Not applicable in the current financial year 3.1.2 Number of civic and democracy education events held per annum. 3,750    3,198 -552 Due to budget constraints this target is no longer achievable and was adjusted in the revised APP that was tabled in Parliament on 2 February 2018. 3.1.3 Audience reach for television and radio democracy education content as evidenced by the relevant viewership and listenership figures in each year covered by the Annual Performance Plan. N/A Not applicable in Q2. 3.1.4 Public perceptions of the Electoral Commission held as evidenced by the media reports for each year covered by the Annual Performance Plan  75% 98.8% 23.8% Target met. Higher than projected positive public perceptions.

PROGRAMME 3 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 3.2 linked to Strategic Goal 3 Achieve a low rate of spoilt ballots as a measure of the effectiveness of civic and democracy programmes. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 3.2 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  3.2.1 Recorded number of spoilt ballots in National and local elections in the years when applicable.  Non election year   Non election year n/a   Not applicable in the current financial year

PROGRAMME 3 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 3.3 linked to Strategic Goal 3 Enhance the Electoral Commission’s reputation as a credible and trustworthy Electoral Management Body. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 3.3 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  3.3.1 Number of interactions / liaisons internationally achieved per annum. 6 7 1 Women’s participation political. London, 7 July 2017; Seminar on Media and Elections in Kenya: 3-5 July 2017; Elections in Kenya: 31 Jul- 14 Aug 2017; AWEB General Assembly in Romania: 28 Aug to 3 Sept 2017; ECF SADC AGC: 24 to 29 Sept 2017; Technical assistance to Liberia: 16 to 30 Sept 2017; General Elections in Angola: 23 August 2017 Target exceeded due invitations to elections in Kenya.

PROGRAMME 3 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 3.4 linked to Strategic Goal 3 Provide thought leadership in the field of electoral management and related fields as per Vision 2018 in order to strengthen electoral democracy. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 3.4 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q2 Actual Variance Comments  3.4.1 The number of research and thought leadership initiatives achieved per annum n/a  n/a Not applicable in Q2.

Budget – Quarter 2 of 2017/18

OVERVIEW SUMMARY FOR QUARTER 3 (2017/18) Programme # of targets # achieved / exceeded # not achieved % Achievemen t Programme 1: Administration 6 4 2 66.7% Programme 2: Electoral Operations 5 1 80% Programme 3: Outreach 3 Total 14 10 71.4%

REASONS FOR NON-ACHIEVEMENT OF TARGETS PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION The following performance targets were not achieved during the quarter under review: Indicator 1.2.2 which deals with the number of quarterly internal audit progress reports per annum prepared by the Chief Audit Executive and reviewed by the Audit Committee was not achieved due to the Audit Committee meeting taking place later than originally planned. Indicator 1.3.2 which stipulates the number of short courses attended by staff was not achieved due to the unsuccessful procurement process of the Occupational Health and Safety training as well as the first aid training being postponed to January 2018.

REASONS FOR NON-ACHIEVEMENT OF TARGETS (cont.) PROGRAMME 2: ELECTORAL OPERATIONS Indicator 2.1.1 which deals with the average number of calendar days in which elections are conducted from date of vacancy was not achieved due to the request of the Electoral Commission to the Electoral Court to postpone the Metsimaholo by-elections following the dissolution of the 42 PR & ward seats of the local council. PROGRAMME 3: OUTREACH Indicator 3.1.2 which deals with the number of civic and democracy education events held. The target was not achieved due to staff being on leave during December and some events in schools which could not happen due to school examinations and the vacation in December.

PROGRAMME 1 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 1.1 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Exercise oversight (monitoring, evaluation and leadership) to ensure the effective implementation of the Electoral Commission’s core mandate, strategic goals and objectives, aligned with the corresponding budget allocation. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.1 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments 1.1.1 Number of Commission meetings held per annum 1 3 2 Target exceeded due to the postponement of a meeting in the previous quarter to this quarter. Meetings were held on 6 October 2017, 3 November 2017 & 24 November 2017 1.1.2 Number of quarterly reports per annum reviewed by the CEO within 30 days after the start of the next quarter Target met.

PROGRAMME 1 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 1.2 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Exercise efficient oversight (monitoring, evaluation and support) by the provisioning of assurance and risk management services. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.2 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  1.2.1 Number of risk based annual internal audit plans approved.by the Audit Committee each year by 30 June in the financial year to which the plan relates. 0  Not applicable on Q3 1.2.2 Number of quarterly internal audit progress reports per annum prepared by the Chief Audit Executive and reviewed by the Audit Committee each year within 30 days after the start of the next quarter. 1 -1 To be considered by the AC at the next quarter meeting scheduled for 23 February 2018. NB: As agreed AC Quarter meetings are now held at least six weeks after the quarter end i.e. the 30 days requirement can no longer be met. 1.2.3 Quarterly review and update the Electoral Commission’s strategic risk register by the Executive Risk Management Committee within 30 days after the start of the next quarter. Target met. Risk register reviewed and updated at the ERMC meeting of 24 January 2018.

PROGRAMME 1 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 1.3 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Build institutional capacity to enable the Electoral Commission to deliver on its constitutional mandate. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.3 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  1.3.1 Number of permanent staff positions filled per annum. (Posts filled for part of the year will be counted on a pro rata basis) Not applicable in Q3. 1.3.2 Number of permanent staff who were provided with developmental training interventions per annum. 90 79 -11 The target was not met due to the following: -Unsuccessful procurement process of OHS training and -Training of the second group of First Aiders was postponed to January 2018. 1.3.3 Extent of compliance with performance management system as evidenced by the existence of performance agreements and performance assessment for the year under review

PROGRAMME 1 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 1.4 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Manage financial resources efficiently to protect the public image of the Electoral Commission as an accountable institution. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.4 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  1.4.1 Achieve an unqualified audit report on the annual financial statements each year n/a Not applicable in Q3.

PROGRAMME 1 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 1.5 linked to Strategic Goal 1 Provide and maintain a stable, secure and scalable ICT environment that meets the functional needs of the Electoral Commission to ensure the credibility of electronic electoral processes. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 1.4 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  1.5.1 Minimum annual % network and application systems availability measured in hours (system generated report available) 97% of 540 hours achieve ment 98,115% (529,813 hours) 1,115% (10,187 hours) The target was exceeded 1.5.2 Upgrade IT hardware and platform on a five year cycle as per the approved ICT strategy and plan (Phase 1) by 31 March 2017, (Phase 2) by 31 March 2018 and (Phase 3) by 31 March 2019 Not applicable in Q3.

PROGRAMME 2 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 2.1 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Manage free and fair elections in accordance with the applicable electoral timetables to ensure the efficient and credible execution of the mandate of the Electoral Commission. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.1 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  2.1.1 Average number of calendar days in which elections are conducted from date of vacancy in each year covered by this plan. The date of the vacancy is the date on which the Electoral Commission receives the notification. Within 90 days Within 127 days 37 days There were 61 by-elections in Q3, and it took an average of 127 days to fill these vacancies owing to the request of the Electoral Commission to the Electoral Court to postpone the Metsimaholo by- elections following the dissolution of the 42 PR & ward seats of the local council. The effect of the above is that the actual year to date has also been pushed outside of the 90 day period to an average of 107 days.  2.1.2 Average number of calendar days in which to replace PR seat vacancies in each year covered by this plan.The date of the vacancy is the date on which the Electoral Commission receives the notification. Within 35 days Within 12 days 23 days The department was more efficient than the target set.   2.1.3 Number of calendar days in which election results for each election are announced by the Electoral Commission in each year covered by this plan. By-Elections Within 7 days 19 by-elections within 1 day and 42 by elections in 2 days 6 days for 19 by-elections and 5 days for 42 by-elections The results for 61 by-elections were announced within the legally prescribed 7day period. 2.1.4 Number of elections set aside in each year covered by this plan 0 (None) 0 none No elections were set aside in Q3.

PROGRAMME 2 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 2.2 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Maintain an accurate national common voter’s roll to ensure the credibility of elections. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.2 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  2.2.1 Number of registered voters reflected on the voters' roll as at 31 March each year n/a Not applicable in Q3. 2.2.2 Reduction in number of registered voters who appeared on the voters roll as at 31 March 2016 for who the Electoral Commission did not have addresses or sufficient particularities for each year covered by this plan*

PROGRAMME 2 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 2.3 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Ensure efficient election delivery by the timely establishment of accessible and suitable voting facilities and processes and by applying infrastructure and logistical resources to meet operational demands for main electoral events. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.3 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  2.3.1 Number of contracted voting stations in place on main registration weekends or general election days in the years where applicable  Non election year Non election year n/a  Not applicable in the current financial year 2.3.2 Timely sourced electoral materials in accordance with the approved materials requirement plan (MRP) and bill of material (BOM) delivered to voting stations, for each main electoral event (i.e. NPE and LGE).  

PROGRAMME 2 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 2.4 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Provide consultative and cooperative liaison platforms between the Electoral Commission and political parties to facilitate free and fair elections. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.4 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  2.4.1 Number of liaison sessions held with members of party liaison committees (PLCs) at national (x1), provincial (x 9) and municipal (x213) levels per annum 223 liaison sessions 1 Nat / 9 Prov / 213 Local   239 liaison sessions 1 Nat / 5 Prov / 233 Local 16 The number of liaison sessions, exceeded the target set for Q3 by 16 sessions. This was due to the increase in the number of by –elections held.

4. PROGRAMME 2 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 2.5 linked to Strategic Goal 2 Strive for excellence at voting station level to enhance the integrity of elections and to enable the Electoral Commission to deliver on its mandate. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 2.5 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  2.5.1 Number of electoral staff recruited and trained per annum.  Non election year   Non election year n/a   Not applicable in the current financial year

PROGRAMME 3 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 3.1 linked to Strategic Goal 3 Encourage the electorate’s engagement with, and participation in, electoral processes in order to facilitate the right to vote as enshrined in the Constitution. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 3.1 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  3.1.1 Number of voters who turnout in national and local government elections, as a percentage of registered voters in years when applicable  Non election year Non election year n/a  Not applicable in the current financial year 3.1.2 Number of civic and democracy education events held per annum. 3,750    3,065 (provisional submission subject to change after Q3 QA) -685 Many staff were on leave during December. The organization was also closed between Christmas Day and New Year. Some events in schools could not happen due to school examinations and the vacation in December. 3.1.3 Audience reach for television and radio democracy education content as evidenced by the relevant viewership and listenership figures in each year covered by the Annual Performance Plan. N/A Performance indicator cancelled due to reprioritization of budgets for pressing organizational needs. Subsequently, no budget was available for this KPI target. Revised 2018 APP tabled in Parliament on 2 February 2018. (Q4 target was 2,5 mil) 3.1.4 Public perceptions of the Electoral Commission held as evidenced by the media reports for each year covered by the Annual Performance Plan  75% 97.3% 22.3% Target maintained. There was a decline in print media coverage due to decreased published media activities towards the end of the year. Bulk of the coverage was from radio stations-mainly public broadcast stations.

PROGRAMME 3 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 3.2 linked to Strategic Goal 3 Achieve a low rate of spoilt ballots as a measure of the effectiveness of civic and democracy programmes. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 3.2 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  3.2.1 Recorded number of spoilt ballots in National and local elections in the years when applicable.  Non election year   Non election year n/a   Not applicable in the current financial year

PROGRAMME 3 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 3.3 linked to Strategic Goal 3 Enhance the Electoral Commission’s reputation as a credible and trustworthy Electoral Management Body. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 3.3 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  3.3.1 Number of interactions / liaisons internationally achieved per annum. 6 8 2 AWEB Capacity Building Programme: 25 Oct to 3 Nov 2017; Workshop for Commissioners, Mauritius-27 – 28 Nov 2017. International Electaral Awards – 4-6 December 2017. ICT in elections: Cape Verde, 22-23 November in Cape Verde Visit by a delegation from Malawi, 20-24 November 2017. Visit by IEC Botswana: 16 November 2017. AAEA Meetings in Rwanda, 8-10 November 2017. SADC Assessment Mission to the DRC: 25 Nov to 3 Dec 2017. Target exceeded due to high number of invitations/visits.

PROGRAMME 3 : PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Strategic Objective 3.4 linked to Strategic Goal 3 Provide thought leadership in the field of electoral management and related fields as per Vision 2018 in order to strengthen electoral democracy. Quarterly targets iro performance indicators for strategic objective 3.4 Quarterly targets and actuals  Comments on deviations Target Q3 Actual Variance Comments  3.4.1 The number of research and thought leadership initiatives achieved per annum n/a  n/a Not applicable in Q3.

Budget – Quarter 3 of 2017/18

Budget 2017/18 – unfunded projects ICT Platform upgrade 2017/18 - R61 million 2018/19 - R89 million Total - R150 million Address harvesting 2016/17 - R180 million 2017/18 - R230 million (inclusive of R180 million request in the 2018 Adjustment Estimate but only allocated in the 2018/19 financial year) Total – R410 million New Registration Device 2018/19 – Only partially funded New mandate as per the Party Funding Bill Approximately R30 million start-up cost