UCA Travel Workshop Policies & Procedures


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Presentation transcript:

UCA Travel Workshop Policies & Procedures Welcome UCA Travel Workshop Policies & Procedures

Staff Information Jeremy Bruner 450-3183 Controller Travel Administrator Pam Giblet 450-3182 Project Coordinator AP/Travel Rae Miller Mensah 450-5028 AP Analyst Sheila Williams 450-5025 AP Specialist Angela Haynie 450-3245 AP Specialist Dharmi Patel 450-5023 AP Specialist Carissa Castleberry 450-5024 Travel Supervisor Sandy Nilz 852-0249 Travel Analyst Jordan Kellybrew 450-3620 Travel Specialist Fax 450-5319

A travel requisition must be completed and approved for the estimated total cost BEFORE the travel

Always list dates of travel (not conference dates) in the document text of the requisition

Travel account codes are listed in the Travel Procedures Manual

Account code 717115 should be used for all conference travel unless the requisition is in the individual student’s name

Grant Funds State and UCA regulations apply to travel paid with grant funds. List grant funds and department funds on separate line items if you want to use all of one funding source first.

Required document text: Individual student Travel requisitions: must use account code 717111, commodity code 96281 Required document text: Where, when and why of travel List estimated expenses State if travel is related to course credit

Account code 717120 is only used for student recruitment 717117 Direct Billing is no longer used (code is being terminated June 30, 2019)

Memberships (Paid on T Card) May be paid with registration if required Must be paid on 710101 account Second line on travel PO Separate membership PO

You will receive a message in Banner screen GUAMESG if your requisition is denied You can also go to self-service to see if the requisition was disapproved When a requisition is disapproved, we also try to send the requester an email with explanation

Expenses not allowed: First-class airfare and other upgrades Alcoholic beverages Personal Purchase Non-travel related purchases

Employees must never share a room with a student!

Two state employees may share a room BUT state Employees cannot be reimbursed for another person’s expenses Airbnb

A Change of Date form is required if travel dates are outside of the date range listed on the PO (located on Travel Website)

When is a Special Travel Authorization form required?

The Special Travel Authorization form should be completed when paying a vendor directly for a state employee’s food or lodging. For example, but not limited to:   Staff Development University Advancement Student Recruitment Student Orientation Student Training/Development

If you create a PO to Enterprise you will also need a PO to WEX for gas Physical Plant provides the WEX card at the time of rental

Tips on Booking Flights & Hotels You may use your preferred travel site Your confirmation receipt must include the dates of trip (departure & return), reflect basic travel fare, show the date flights were booked, and purchase total If booking hotel with department card OR ghost card, a pre-authorization form is often required Department Card - It is your responsibility to contact the hotel and ensure you have completed necessary documentation to charge the card upon arrival. Ghost Card - Travel Staff will contact the hotel. Per state regulations, all incidental charges in a hotel such as misc items or room service must be charged to a personal card

Can you ever purchase your own airline ticket?

Only with prior approval from a Travel Administrator (Jeremy Bruner or Pam Giblet)

How many days in advance should an airline ticket be purchased?

The ONLY exceptions for purchases less than 14 days: Prior approval from a Travel Administrator was obtained OR by email request from the VP/Provost

What if I want to include extra days for vacation?

No reimbursement on personal days Must have airfare comparison for official business dates ( You will be required to reimburse UCA for the difference)

Comparisons must be printed on the same day as purchase

What are the percentages for travel advances?

50% in the US 75% in foreign countries 90% student group travel

Which travel expenses are not eligible for an advance?

Airfare Registration Lodging Rental Car *Anything you can put on Travel Card

The more information you provide in document text of requisitions, the easier we can assist you in determining whether enough funds are available for satisfying an advance request

Document Text: Why   XYZ Conference When March 25-29, 2017 Where Dallas, TX Airline UCA credit card American Airlines $ 250.00 Registration Early bird $ 500.00 Lodging Conference hotel 150 x 4 days $ 600.00 Meals ($71 x 75% x 2) & ($71 x 3) $ 300.00 mileage to airport 35 miles x 2 x $.35 $ 24.50 parking 5 days $10 x 5 $ 50.00 shuttle $15 x 2 $ 30.00 TOTAL $ 1,754.50

Who may pick up a travel advance and how many days in advance may it be picked up?

The advance may be picked up 2 working days in advance by the traveler

Does UCA pay per diem rates?

The traveler must claim actual expense up to the maximum allowed No, never! The traveler must claim actual expense up to the maximum allowed

Per state travel regulations: Meals on the first and last day of travel are limited to 75% of the maximum allowance

Per diem rate is always based on the destination city

The destination on the last day of travel is always Conway, AR

When can a traveler be reimbursed for meals without an overnight stay?

Traveler must have been away from their official station 12 hours or more Must attach completed “Day Travel Without Overnight Stay Form” and the itemized receipt(s) to TR-1

Am I allowed to pay tips?

Only on meals Not taxis, Uber, or Lyft!

Is there any time that I am allowed to pay more than 15% tips?

Only on student groups when a mandatory gratuity was added by the vendor due to the size of the group

What is required for moving expenses?

Approval in writing by the administrative head or vice president must be attached to the TR-1 Account 717202-commodity 96256 An approved travel purchase order Attach the itemized receipts to the TR-1 and forward them to the Travel Office

Where does my original receipt go?

Attached to Travel Card Log Attached to the TR-1 Ghost Card Receipts Individual sponsored card receipts Expenses paid with personal funds No personal meal receipts except day travel Attached to Travel Card Log Original receipts for all charges

Receipts must list the detail of the purchase in order to be considered adequate documentation

What are the most common reasons for the amount on my TR-1 being marked down?

Vicinity miles not listed separately (make line item on requisition) Claiming meals provided by the conference (list in comments if no meals were available or special needs required) Incorrect amounts for meals on first and last days of travel (double check per diem chart when completing TR1)

What are the most common reasons for a delay in receiving my travel reimbursement?

Not attaching a conference agenda Not providing receipts for incidentals Not listing departure and return times Not listing actual travel dates on the PO Not completing the Special Lodging Authorization (page 1 of TR1 for over per diem) or Rental Car Justification sections (page 1 of TR1 for inability to rent at UCA)

All travel dates should be listed on the second page even if you don’t have charges for that particular date

What are some valid reasons a traveler might exceed the maximum lodging allowance?

Conference hotel Safety & availability Networking – you must list why and/or with whom Event held at the hotel

Why is it important to complete the third page of the TR-1?

To ensure PO has enough money to reimburse the traveler and pay the credit card

When are TR-1s due in to the Travel Office?

Five working days after the last day of the trip

Please, do not contact the Travel Office to inquire about TR-1 reimbursements until 3 weeks after submission. Please allow us time to review and work in the order TR1’s are received

Does a guest of state have to sign their own TR-1?

Important: note on the TR1 to see an email approval attached Yes, if at all possible If not, email the guest the completed TR-1 and they may approve it with an email Important: note on the TR1 to see an email approval attached

What should the sponsored credit cards be used for?

Meals with a team/group of students. The Sponsored credit card can be used for, but not limited to: Airline tickets Conference fees Lodging Meals with a team/group of students. Incidentals within the scope of normal group travel Must have itemized receipts

Can department credit cards be used for meals?

Only when purchasing meals for student groups while traveling If you anticipate needing regular group meals, contact the Travel Office to have this access added

*NEVER change the formatting of your TR1 Always go to MyUCA or the Travel Page for the latest version of the TR-1 *NEVER change the formatting of your TR1

Questions? Thank you for coming!