Chapter 9 Working with Tabs and Tables
Chapter Objectives Work with tabs Create and format a table Format text in a table Place graphics in a table
Work with Tabs Tabs are used to position text at specific horizontal locations within a text frame. To use tabs, select text, then click Tabs on the Type menu. Tabs dialog box aligns with left edge of text.
Work with Tabs Example of tabs used in InDesign
Work with Tabs Click tab buttons on dialog box and click inside ruler to set tabs. Once aligned on tab, moving tab moves the text. To delete a tab, drag it off ruler.
Work with Tabs Using different tab alignments – The Tabs dialog box offers four types of tab buttons for aligning text: Left-Justified Tab Center-Justified Tab Right-Justified Tab Align to Decimal Tab
Work with Tabs
When Align To Decimal Tab button is used, text can be aligned to characters other then decimal, such as: – hyphen (–) – star ( ) – bullet ( )
Work with Text Text insets determine how far from the edge of the frame the text is positioned..25" text inset top and left
Work with Tabs Rules are lines added above or below paragraphs. Rules for text are defined in the Paragraph Rules dialog box.
Work with Tabs Adding rules above or below paragraph defined in Paragraph Rules dialog box Click to add a rule
Create and Format a Table A table helps you communicate large amounts of information efficiently. – Tables consist of rows and columns made up of cells – InDesign regards tables as text – Tables can only be created in text frames
Create and Format a Table Creating tables – First create text frame – Click Table on Menu bar, then click Insert Table – Insert Table dialog box allows you to specify number of rows and columns
Create and Format a Table Choose settings in the Insert Table dialog box.
Create and Format a Table Formatting tables – Table panel is used for manipulating tables Modify number of rows and columns using Table panel Modify width and height of cells
Create and Format a Table Table cells can contain text and graphics You can apply shading to each cell You can format the text in each cell
Create and Format a Table Example of an InDesign table
Create and Format a Table Apply strokes and fills to a table – Select single cell, multiple cells, or entire row or column – Use Type tool to select elements of table – Use Swatches panel to add stroke or fill color – Use Stroke panel to modify weight of strokes – Use Table menu to apply or alter fills and strokes
Format Text in a Table Enter text in table by selecting Type tool and begin typing – Press [Tab] to move from column to column – Use arrows to move to cells in any direction – Modify text using Character and Paragraph panels
Format Text in a Table One way to modify a table is to select row or column and enter greater height for rows or width for columns. Drag cell border left or right to increase or decrease column width. Drag cell border up or down to change row height.
Format Text in a Table Drag resizing arrow to adjust column width Column too narrow
Format Text in a Table Insetting text within a cell – Cell inset text boxes in Table panel allow control of text inset on all four sides of cell
Format Text in a Table Insetting text within a cell – Cell inset text boxes in Table panel allow text inset to be adjusted
Format Text in a Table Example of a formatted table
Place Graphics in a Table Placing graphics in a table To place graphic in table cell, click in cell and use the Place command. If graphic is too large, increase size of cell or decrease graphic size.
Place Graphics in a Table