History of Astronomical Instruments The early history: From the unaided eye to telescopes
Anatomy and Detection Characteristics The Human Eye Anatomy and Detection Characteristics
Anatomy of the Human Eye
Visual Observations Navigation Calendars Unusual Objects (comets etc.)
Hawaiian Navigation: From Tahiti to Hawaii Using the North direction, Knowledge of the lattitude, And the predominant direction of the Trade Winds
Tycho Quadrant
Pre-Telescopic Observations Navigation Calendar Astrology Planetary Motion Copernican System Kepler’s Laws
Why build telescopes? Larger aperture means more light gathering power sensitivity goes like D2, where D is diameter of main light collecting element (e.g., primary mirror) Larger aperture means better angular resolution resolution goes like lambda/D, where lambda is wavelength and D is diameter of mirror
Collection: Telescopes Refractor telescopes exclusively use lenses to collect light have big disadvantages: aberrations & sheer weight of lenses Reflector telescopes use mirrors to collect light relatively free of aberrations mirror fabrication techniques steadily improving
William Herschel Caroline Herschel
Herschel 40 ft Telescope
Optical Reflecting Telescopes Basic optical designs: Prime focus: light is brought to focus by primary mirror, without further deflection Newtonian: use flat, diagonal secondary mirror to deflect light out side of tube Cassegrain: use convex secondary mirror to reflect light back through hole in primary Nasmyth focus: use tertiary mirror to redirect light to external instruments
Mirror Grinding Tool
Mirror Polishing Machine
Fine Ground Mirror
Mirror Polishing
Figuring the Asphere
Crossley 36” Reflector
Yerkes 40-inch Refractor
Drawing of the Moon (1865)
First Photograph of the Moon (1865)
The Limitations of Ground-based Observations Diffraction Seeing Sky Backgrounds
Wavefront Description of Optical System
Wavefronts of Two Well Separated Stars
When are Two Wavefront Distinguishable ?
Atmospheric Turbulence
Characteristics of Good Sites Geographic latitude 15° - 35° Near the coast or isolated mountain Away from large cities High mountain Reasonable logistics
Modern Observatories The ESO-VLT Observatory at Paranal, Chile
Pu`u Poliahu UH 0.6-m UH 2.2-m UH 0.6-m The first telescopes on Mauna Kea (1964-1970)
Local Seeing Flow Pattern Around a Building Incoming neutral flow should enter the building to contribute to flushing, the height of the turbulent ground layer determines the minimum height of the apertures. Thermal exchanges with the ground by re-circulation inside the cavity zone is the main source of thermal turbulence in the wake.
Mirror Seeing When a mirror is warmer that the air in an undisturbed enclosure, a convective equilibrium (full cascade) is reached after 10-15mn. The limit on the convective cell size is set by the mirror diameter
LOCAL TURBULENCE Mirror Seeing The contribution to seeing due to turbulence over the mirror is given by: The warm mirror seeing varies slowly with the thickness of the convective layer: reduce height by 3 orders of magnitude to divide mirror seeing by 4, from 0.5 to 0.12 arcsec/K
Mirror Seeing The thickness of the boundary layer over a flat plate increases with the distance to the edge in the and with the flow velocity. When a mirror is warmer that the air in a flushed enclosure, the convective cells cannot reach equilibrium. The flushing velocity must be large enough so as to decrease significantly (down to 10-30cm) the thickness turbulence over the whole diameter of the mirror.
Thermal Emission Analysis VLT Unit Telescope UT3 Enclosure 19 Feb. 1999 0h34 Local Time Wind summit: ENE, 4m/s Air Temp summit: 13.8C
Gemini South Dome
Night Sky Emission Lines at Optical Wavelengths
Sky Background in J, H, and K Bands
Sky Background in L and M Band
V-band sky brightness variations
H-band OH Emission Lines
Camera Construction Techniques 1. The photo below shows a scientific CCD camera in use at the Isaac Newton Group. It is approximately 50cm long, weighs about 10Kg and contains a single cryogenically cooled CCD. The camera is general purpose detector with a universal face-plate for attachment to various telescope ports. Pre-amplifier Pressure Vessel Vacuum pump port Mounting clamp Camera mounting Face-plate. Liquid Nitrogen fill port
. . . Camera Construction Techniques 4. A cutaway diagram of the same camera is shown below. Thermally Electrical feed-through Vacuum Space Pressure vessel Pump Port Insulating Pillars Face-plate . Telescope beam . Boil-off . Optical window CCD CCD Mounting Block Thermal coupling Nitrogen can Activated charcoal ‘Getter’ Focal Plane of Telescope
Camera Construction Techniques 5. The camera with the face-plate removed is shown below Retaining clamp Temperature servo circuit board CCD Aluminised Mylar sheet Gold plated copper mounting block Top of LN2 can Platinum resistance thermometer Pressure Vessel ‘Spider’. The CCD mounting block is stood off from the spider using insulating pillars. Location points (x3) for insulating pillars that reference the CCD to the camera face-plate Signal wires to CCD
Camera Construction Techniques 6. A ‘Radiation Shield’ is then screwed down onto the spider , covering the cold components but not obstructing the CCD view. This shield is highly polished and cooled to an intermediate temperature by a copper braid that connects it to the LN2 can. Radiation Shield
Camera Construction Techniques 7. Some CCDs cameras are embedded into optical instruments as dedicated detectors. The CCD shown below is mounted in a spider assembly and placed at the focus of a Schmidt camera. CCD Signal connector (x3) Copper rod or ‘cold finger’ used to cool the CCD. It is connected to an LN2 can. ‘Spider’ Vane CCD Clamp plate Gold plated copper CCD mounting block. FOS 1 Spectrograph CCD Package