AP Literature 8/15
Agenda Bell Ringer-Gatsby GIST Activity (10 minutes) Socratic Seminar Discussion (30 minutes) Symbolism in The Great Gatsby Analysis Essay (10 minutes) Homework: Essay Come prepared to discuss chapters 3 & 4 on Monday
GIST-Summarizing (10 Minutes) The class will be divided into three groups. Each group will receive a set of background information to present to the class. GIST- In your groups, create a 60 word summary that discusses your given content area. The Roaring Twenties Fitzgerald and the Jazz Age Fitzgerald and his Other Works
Socratic Seminar Students run the discussion Teacher is just the moderator (basically making sure that discussions are taking place and on track) Don’t raise hands No one person or group of people should control the conversation One student should read the question aloud Use your books!
Chapter 1 1. Explain what Fitzgerald achieved by using Nick’s point of view to tell Gatsby’s story? 2. What do we learn about Nick Carraway in the introductory section of the novel? 3. In discussing East Egg and West Egg, Nick states: “To the wingless a more arresting phenomenon is their dissimilarity in every particular except shape and size.” Indicate what the “dissimilarities” might be. 4. Compare the homes of Nick, Gatsby, and the Buchanans. How does each home reflect the personality of its owner?
Chapter 1 5. Fitzgerald’s description of Tom, Daisy, and Jordan creates not only an impression of physical appearance, but also contains added information. What do you learn about their history and interests, and from their gestures and mannerisms? 6. When Nick leaves the Buchanan’s house, he is “confused and a little disgusted.” Why? What does this suggest about his values? 7. Though we do not meet Gatsby until Chapter 3, we hear references to him in the conversations of others. Note each reference. What impressions do you get?
Chapter 2 8. In what way is the description in the opening paragraphs of Chapter 2 appropriate to the total atmosphere of this chapter? What is symbolic about the “valley of ashes,” and “the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg”? 9. Evaluate Myrtle’s talk of her unhappy marriage. What does she seem to be trying to justify? 10. How does Myrtle’s speech reveal her character? 11. What does the scene in this New York apartment reveal about Tom? About Myrtle? 12. Does Nick enjoy the afternoon at the apartment in New York? Why or why not?
Symbols Symbols are objects, characters, figures, and colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. The Green Light The Valley of the Ashes The Eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg Choose one of the symbols listed above and write an analysis of what exactly the symbol represents. Paper should be in MLA format, one page typed and printed, and should use at least 2-3 examples from the text to support your analysis.
Homework Symbol analysis writing assignment-due beginning of class on Monday. Be prepared to discuss chapters 3 & 4 in class on Monday.