Patient organoids respond more diverse to drugs and with lower therapeutic potential than 2D cultured patient cells Patient organoids respond more diverse to drugs and with lower therapeutic potential than 2D cultured patient cells Hierarchical clustering of drug response profiles determined in ovarian cancer (OC) organoids or 2D cultured patient cells of the same origin. The dashed vertical line cuts the dendrogram arbitrarily at the height of the 2D subcluster (grey).Therapeutic indices determined from LD50 values derived from OC drug screens in 2D or 3D culture. Green heat map colour indicates drug effectivity in cancer cells and low toxicity in normal cells, blue colour high toxicity in normal cells and low effectivity in cancer cells. nd, not determined, that is no fitting performed due to low response. Julia Jabs et al. Mol Syst Biol 2017;13:955 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend