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Presentation transcript:


RUJUKAN Bishop, A., FitzSimons, G., Wee, T.S., & Clarkson, P. (1999). Values in mathematics education: Making values teaching explicit in the mathematics classroom. Paper presented at the Australian Association of Research in Education. Monash University. Values in Mathematics and Science Education.

NILAI DALAM MATEMATIK Pendidikan Matematik merangkumi pendidikan nilai Terdapat nilai yang diajar secara eksplisit cth nilai-nilai murni KBSR / KBSM Terdapat nilai yang lebih implisit dan diterapkan melalui amalan bilik darjah guru matematik.

NILAI DALAM MATEMATIK Persoalan nilai dalam pendidikan matematik Apakah jenis nilai yang dipelajari oleh murid daripada amalan guru mereka? Apakah nilai yang dipelajari mempunyai impak terhadap minat atau usaha seseorang pelajar dalam subjek matematik?

Rationalism (Rasional) Valuing rationalism means emphasising argument, reasoning, logical analysis and explanations. It concerns theory, and hypothetical and abstract situations, and thereby promotes universalist thinking. This value is demonstrated by: teachers developing students' skills at argument and logical reasoning teaching about proof and proving encouraging discussion and debate students seeking explanations for experimental data contrasting alternative hypotheses

Empiricism (Empiris) Valuing empiricism means emphasising objectifying, concretising, and applying ideas in mathematics and science. It favours analogical thinking, symbolising, and the presentation and use of data. It also promotes materialism and determinism. This value is demonstrated by: teachers developing students' practical skills teaching about applications and using ideas students and teachers creating symbols, models, diagrams etc. students collecting experimental data testing ideas against data

Control (Kawalan) Valuing control means emphasising the power of mathematical and scientific knowledge through mastery of rules, facts, procedures and established criteria. It also promotes security in knowledge, and the ability to predict. This value is demonstrated by: teachers developing students' skills at drills and routines teaching about mathematical and scientific accuracy students practising skills and procedures teachers demonstrating how mathematical and scientific ideas explain and predict events

Progress (Perkembangan) Valuing progress means emphasising the ways that mathematical and scientific ideas grow and develop, through alternative theories, development of new methods and the questioning of existing ideas. It also promotes the values of individual liberty and creativity. This value is demonstrated by: teachers developing students' creative imaginations teaching about the development of scientific and mathematical knowledge encouraging alternative explanations

Openness (Keterbukaan) Valuing openness means emphasising the democratisation of knowledge, through demonstrations, proofs and individual explanations. Verification of hypotheses, clear articulation and critical thinking are also significant, as is the transparency of procedures and assumptions. This value is demonstrated by: teachers developing students' skills at articulating their ideas teaching the criteria of proving and verifying encouraging discussion and debate promoting freedom of expression contrasting students' and teachers' views the replicability of experiments

Mystery (Misteri) Valuing mystery means emphasising the wonder, fascination, and mystique of scientific and mathematical ideas. It promotes thinking about the origins and nature of knowledge and of the creative process, as well as the abstractness and dehumanised nature of scientific and mathematical knowledge. This value is demonstrated by: teachers developing students' imagination teaching about the dehumanising nature of objective knowledge stimulating wonder and awe with significant ideas encouraging students to read science fiction material students experiencing surprise over unexpected findings exploring mathematical puzzles