Term-born infant of a mother with solutio placentae.


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Presentation transcript:

Term-born infant of a mother with solutio placentae. Term-born infant of a mother with solutio placentae. T1-weighted image (TR/TE, 550/14; signals acquired, 2; matrix, 205 × 256; section thickness, 5 mm; section gap, 0.5 mm; FOV, 16 cm) of the infant from the HIE group at 10 days of age. The image shows higher SI in the PC than in the CR. T1-weighted imaging also showed (not shown here) equal SI in the PP and the PLIC. The flow chart predicted the infant to come from the HIE group. L. Liauw et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2007;28:660-665 ©2007 by American Society of Neuroradiology