Dishing Out to the “D” Group 2: Corinna Muntean, Paris, Aye, Jasmine Alexander, Rho, Meghan Connelly, Bret Raupp, Jordan Jonas, Tim Weber, Rupi Sidhu
Statistics According to Defeat the Debt’s website, America is $14 trillion in debt and owes China $1.16 trillion. The article Economic Signs Positive, but Hiring Still Lags talks about how the national unemployment rate is 9.1%. The Census Bureau’s new report states there are 49.1 million Americans living in poverty.
Because of those alarming statistics, we knew we wanted to make a change.
Why We Picked the Metro Detroit Area The unemployment rate is higher than the national average. It’s about 11%. We’re Michiganders. We want to help people in the community.
The Baldwin Center is the largest feeding operation in Pontiac serves the unemployed, homeless, those on fixed incomes, and children helps people mentally (mentoring children), physically (yoga classes and gives people nutritious food – fruits & vegetables), emotionally (talk on the phone to talk about your financial problems and they calm you down), and spiritually (church)
Four Dimensions of Renewal
The Baldwin Center Mission: feed, clothe, educate and empower the men, women, and children in the community of Pontiac They had over 3,000 volunteers. They served over 65,290 meals in 2010. In September, the family kitchen served 3,689 lunches, 749 dinners and 504 breakfasts.
The Baldwin Center Education: -people learning a new language (80 students) -people getting a GED -Kennedy school
The Baldwin Center 47 people received showers (September) 113 loads of laundry were cleaned (September) 5 people attend yoga classes every Wednesday 13 Alcoholic Anonymous meetings were held in September. In September, the Clothing Closet had 1,245 shoppers.
The Baldwin Center The Focus Hope Delivery Program gives food to the elderly. In September, 143 low-income seniors received food packages delivered to their home.
Our Mission Dishing Out to the “D” wants to raise money and give it to the Baldwin Center and complete at least 6 hours of volunteer work.
Our Tasks Corinna: make website, create e-mail account, promote (tell the media & use social networking sites) Tim: make logo, make flyers & poster (and get them approved) Rupi: help Tim with flyers & poster Jordan: put up flyers Bret: make logo, edit video and set up PayPal account Meghan: take pictures, make video, put up posters, and set up PayPal account Rho: put up flyers Paris: put up flyers Jasmine: project manager and talk to Alex Plum Everyone should raise money and complete at least 6 hours of volunteer work.
This Friday Dishing Out to the “D” will be in the Oakland Center (near Fireside Lounge) raising money for the Baldwin Center. We’re doing a contest. We want people to guess how much candy is in the container. Whoever gets it right, gets the candy.
The Baldwin Center
The Baldwin Center