3GPP WLAN Interworking update May 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/229r1 March 2004 3GPP WLAN Interworking update Cheng Hong, Panasonic Osok Song, Samsung Electronics (WNG-SC) Date : 16th March 2004 Cheng Hong, Osok Song Tan Pek-Yew, Matsushita Electric Ind.
Overview of relevant activities in 3GPP March 2004 Overview of relevant activities in 3GPP Stage 1 (Requirement) SA1: TS22.234 (Expected to be approved this month) Stage 2 (Architecture) SA2: TS23.234 (Expected to be approved this month) Stage 3 (Protocol) CN1: TS24.234 (Protocol between mobile node and core network) CN4: TS29.234 (Protocol inside core network) SA3: TS 33.234 (Security protocol) Cheng Hong, Osok Song
March 2004 Time Plan Security protocols (SA3) TS 33.234 Stage 3 protocols (CN1,4) TS 24.234, TS 29.234 Specification of Architecture (SA2) TS 23.234 Feasibility Study (SA1) TR 22.934 Requirements (SA1) TS 22.234 2001 2002 2003 2004 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 12 Cheng Hong, Osok Song
Scenarios Phased approach March 2004 Scenarios Phased approach Scenario 1: Common Billing and Customer Care Scenario 2: 3GPP System based Access Control and Charging Scenario 3: Access to 3GPP System PS based Services Scenario 4: Service Continuity Scenario 5: Seamless Services Scenario 6: Access to 3GPP System CS based Services In Release 6, Scenario 2 and 3 (partially) are supported. Cheng Hong, Osok Song
Status of WLAN group in SA2 March 2004 Status of WLAN group in SA2 TS 23.234 Defining architecture for 3G/WLAN interworking Only for scenario 2 and 3 for this release. Current version is v2.5.0 Expected to be approved this month as v6.0.0 Freezing TS is scheduled to be June 2004 (Two more meetings before freezing). Cheng Hong, Osok Song
3GPP WLAN Interworking Arch. March 2004 3GPP WLAN Interworking Arch. Cheng Hong, Osok Song
March 2004 Status of SA3/CN1/CN4 They are currently working on scenario 2 due to instability of stage 2 work for scenario 3. SA3 AAA mechanism (EAP-AKA, EAP-SIM) Confidentiality and Integrity mechanism CN1 Network selection CN4 AAA protocols between core network entities They are expected to finish stage 3 works (including scenario 3 works) by end of this year. Cheng Hong, Osok Song
Open issues related to IEEE 802.11 Group March 2004 Open issues related to IEEE 802.11 Group The network selection Use of specific SSID format for interworking EAP based network selection Traffic (policy) and QoS enforcement in WLAN Use of VLAN in scenario 3 What are the impact on WLAN now? Can it be mandatory? i.e. supported at every MT, AP Can necessary QoS be provided with VLAN? Roaming supported? Cheng Hong, Osok Song
Description of network selection problem March 2004 Description of network selection problem Cheng Hong, Osok Song
March 2004 Future Plan at 3GPP 3GPP will start to discuss scenario 4 (vertical handover between 3G access network and WLAN) from the second half this year. Mobility support of WLAN by IEEE 802.11 Group is essential. Cheng Hong, Osok Song
Conclusions Next step for WIEN March 2004 Conclusions Next step for WIEN Scope the group’s work and map the open issues from 3GPP to IEEE802.11 Verifying consistency with the existing IEEE802.11 solutions Is the 3GPP TS precludes any IEEE802.11 solutions (/in development)? ?? Develop solution Cheng Hong, Osok Song