Pierce County Opioid Task Force Table Talk: Breakout Discussions on Stopping the Opioid Epidemic Feb. 22, 2019 We have heard from many community partners in Pierce County about their roles in stopping the opioid epidemic. Now it is your turn to talk and share your thoughts. Your table handouts show the priorities and work completed to date of the three Task Force committees. The three Task Force committees worked on efforts in 2018 that have big impacts and are low-effort (low hanging fruit). This was intentionally the first year of work for the Task Force, to make improvements for the “low hanging fruit” priorities. Now moving into the 2nd year, the Task Force recognizes that while this “large impact, low effort” work needs to continue, additional longer-term priorities and strategies may need to be considered. We would like to hear from you.
Opioid Task Force Priorities What is one priority you think is missing from the Pierce County Opioid Task Force’s current work? Work by yourself and write down one idea. Share your idea with one person at your table. Each person shares their ideas for two minutes. Can you come up with one priority that meets both your needs?
Opioid Task Force Priorities What is one priority you think is missing from the Pierce County Opioid Task Force’s current work? Share your ideas with the rest of your table. Can you come up with two or three ideas that capture the main thoughts at the table? Write your table’s best ideas on 3x5 post-it notes (one idea per note). Place post-it notes on Priorities posters around the room. At the most recent Opioid Task Force meeting the three committees developed draft vision statements
How Can You Support the Opioid Task Force? Join a Task Force committee. Potential partnership ideas. Share data. Funding opportunity. Increase services. Other ideas? We have one last chance for you to let the Task Force sponsors know your ideas for how you could contribute to this collaborative effort.
How Can You Support the Opioid Task Force? Work by yourself and write down one idea. Share your idea with one person at your table. Write your idea on the 3x5 post-it note and place on the “How Can You Support the Opioid Task Force” posters.