Objective: Describe the steps of Transcription


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Presentation transcript:

Objective: Describe the steps of Transcription S4: The Central Dogma E1: Transcription Objective: Describe the steps of Transcription Do this: have a colored pencil or highlighter ready


Transcription The Central Dogma

The Central Dogma Information flows from DNA → RNA → Proteins Transcription The Central Dogma Information flows from DNA → RNA → Proteins

Replication: Copies DNA

Replication: Copies DNA Transcription: Creates RNA

Replication: Copies DNA Transcription: Creates RNA Translation: Makes Proteins


RNA is different from DNA

RNA is different from DNA Ribose sugar (not deoxyribose)

RNA RNA is different from DNA Ribose sugar (not deoxyribose) Contains uracil (in place of thymine)

RNA RNA is different from DNA Ribose sugar (not deoxyribose) Contains uracil (in place of thymine) Single-stranded (not double)

Transcription makes RNA from DNA

Transcription makes RNA from DNA Steps:

Transcription makes RNA from DNA Steps: RNA Polymerase “unzips” DNA at the gene site

Transcription makes RNA from DNA Steps: RNA Polymerase “unzips” DNA at the gene site Nucleotides pair with one side of the DNA

Transcription makes RNA from DNA Steps: RNA Polymerase “unzips” DNA at the gene site Nucleotides pair with one side of the DNA RNA strand detaches, and can leave the nucleus