Florence Howard Elementary End of Year aCIP Review 2016
It takes a village to educate a child… Students Parents Teachers Community Administrators
Monitoring Continuous Improvement Student & Teacher Surveys Academic Progress Report Classroom Observations
Scholastic data
EQT Math Results
EQT Reading Results
EQT Science Results
Attendance Data Suspension Data Absences 2014-15 95% 2015-16 Academic Year # of suspensions 2015-16 5
Refer to Data in slides 5-7 Goal #1 Engage and Empower the learner through high quality K-12 aligned College and Career Ready Standards, instruction and assessment for all core content areas. The data indicates that though we continue to struggle to reach proficiency in Math and are not consistent meeting proficiency goals in Reading. We are making strides in the right direction. Our Reading increased 15% by 3rd quarter, but dropped significantly in the 4th quarter. Math proficiency increased 11% for the year, meeting our goal of a 10% increase. Classroom observations indicate that we are continuing the use of Direct, Explicit, Instruction, Differentiated Instruction and Student Intervention. -The implementation of Engage New York has increased proficiency. The partial implementation this year yielded an increase in proficiency. Plans for the 2016-17 school year include full implementation in grades K-5 in both Reading and Math. Teachers will be provided professional development and students will be given necessary materials so that we can teach to program to fidelity. Refer to Data in slides 5-7
Integration of technology Goal #2 All educators and students at Florence Howard will have digital tools to access a comprehensive viable infrastructure when and where they need it. Funding via Title I Allocation (4110) Purchase of 12 new laptops for teachers Acquisition of 15 new student computers Purchase of 65 hand-held tablets Purchase of 6 digital cameras Purchase of 20 new student laptops. Integration of technology Stride Academy Compass Learning Big Universe Learning.com Moodle
Goal #3 All teachers at Florence Howard Elementary will prepare and support students through student support services. We continue to support students by decreasing the number of suspensions. We have implemented several behavior interventions that serve as alternatives for student suspensions. These interventions include alternative behavior placement with a resource teacher, meetings with the school counselor, referrals to social agencies and behavior programs outside of school and many parent conferences. Additionally, we strive to motivate students through Honors Days, Student Recognition, Monthly Rewards and Peer Clubs.
Goal #4 Florence Howard will prepare and support teachers and leaders to graduate College and Career Ready Students.
Science Fair Project Data Completed Science Fair Projects Goal #5 (LSI) Teachers at Florence Howard School will develop a deeper knowledge of scientific terms and processes in an attempt to increase academic performance on science assessments. 70% of All Students will demonstrate a behavior of increased knowledge in scientific terms and processes in Science by 06/02/2016 as measured by Classroom Assessments, Science Fair Participation, State Assessments. Question Pre-survey Post-survey Do you have any prior knowledge of the scientific inquiry method? 67% yes 33% no 99% yes 1% no Have you ever used the scientific method when conducting an experiment? 55% yes 45% no 100% yes 0% no The scientific method is a detailed step-by-step inquiry process. At this time, do you think you can independenly conduct a scientific experiment in a timely manner, following sequential orders? 60% yes 40% no 82% yes 18% no Can you recall the specific steps of the scientific method in sequential order? 5% yes 95% no 90% 10% no Science Fair Project Data Completed Science Fair Projects 2014-2015 2015-2016 65% 71%