Reviewing American Imperialism United States History & Government 11th Grade Boys & Girls Al-Madinah School April 27, 2019
Terms and Names Imperialism Frederic Remington William Randolph Hearst Practice of Stronger Nations to exert military, political, and economic control over weaker nations Frederic Remington A Gifted American Artist William Randolph Hearst Owner of New York Journal who sent Remington to Cuba
Boxer Rebellion Russo-Japanese War Platt Amendment A rebellion by Chinese nationalists to overthrow foreign rule and influence, which was put down by American, British, German, Japanese and Russian forces. Russo-Japanese War War between Russia and Japan in which Japan defeated Russia Platt Amendment Amendments that U.S. forced Cuba to add to its constitution in order to maintain U.S. dominance over Cuban affairs.
Roosevelt Corollary De Lôme Letter William McKinley U.S. Spanish war Roosevelt’s foreign policy about the western hemisphere that was built on Monroe Doctrine De Lôme Letter Letter published by the Spanish ambassador to the United States that criticized President McKinley William McKinley U.S. President who was an imperialist U.S. Spanish war War fought between the United States and Spain that took place in 1898.
Treaty of Paris of 1898 Foraker Act Panama Canal Jose Marti Treaty that ended US-Spanish War Foraker Act Law that ended military rule over Puerto Rico Panama Canal Canal that connects Caribbean Sea with the Pacific Ocean and reduces travel distance from US east coast to west coast. Jose Marti Cuban Poet and rebel who wanted independence from Spain.
John J Pershing Open Door Policy U.S. General who led an expeditionary force into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa. Open Door Policy American Policy to keep China’s Independence in order to use its resources.
What were the goals of US foreign policy? What were the driving forces of U.S. Imperialism? What American Beliefs about capitalism are reflected in open door policy?
Extended response questions What do the following people have in common: Jose Marti, Luis Munoz Rivera, Emilio Aguinaldo? What role did Yellow journalism of Pulitzer and Hearst play in U.S. Spanish War? What happened to the Philippines, Cuba, and Hawaii as a result of US imperialism? What actions did the United States take to build Panama Canal?