Tenth step for Learning C++ Programming Template Templates Specialization Type Inference Standard Template Library List Deque Iterator Map
Both forms are identical Template Declaration General form of Template declaration: template <class identifier> class_definition; or template <typename identifier> class_definition; Both forms are identical In the class definition identifier is some form of placeholder that can be used at positions, where we expect some type specification 11/2014
[ practice 1 Templates Specialization ]
[ explain 1 Templates Specialization ]
[ practice 2 Type Inference ]
[ explain 2 Type Inference ]
[ practice 3 Template, Auto & Decltype ]
[ explain 3 Template, Auto & Decltype ]
Sequence Container Overview Library Name Description Example <vector> A dynamic array STL-vector.cpp <list> randomly changing sequence of items STL-list.cpp <stack> A sequence of items with pop and push at one end only (LIFO) - <queue> A Sequence of items with pop and push at opposite ends (FIFO) <deque> Double Ended Queue with pop and push at both ends STL-deque.cpp
[ practice 4 Standard Template Library, List ]
[ explain 4 Standard Template Library, List ]
[ practice 5 Standard Template Library, Deque ]
[ explain 5 Standard Template Library, Deque ]
[ practice 6 Standard Template Library, Iterator ]
[ explain 6 Standard Template Library, Iterator ]
Associative Container Overview Library Name Description Example <set> An unordered collection of items - <map> An collection of pairs of items indexed by the first one STL-map.cpp <bitset> A subset of a fixed and small set of items (The class provides something like an array of bits / optimizing for space allocation )
[ practice 7 Standard Template Library, Map ]
[ explain 7 Standard Template Library, Map ]