MFRC Governance C MPC LGen Lamarre
Governance Models – 3 options 1. Current MFRC Governance Model (status quo) 2. Partnership MFRC Governance Model 3. Formalized MFRC Governance Model CAF Ombudsman 2013 Report recommended: reassessment of the foundation of the MFRC governance model Governance Working Group appointed by CMPC, as directed by CDS, under the authority of the Terms of Reference dated October 2016 2. The Governance Working Group (Groupe de travail sur la gouvernance): a. conducted an assessment of the current governance structure (concepts de gouvernance) including comprehensive stakeholder consultation (Jan – June 2017); b. considered alternate governance models at Governance Forum September 2017; and c. determined new 2 governance constructs plus status quo for CDS decision 3. Recommended outcome: Support the seamless experience (l'expérience sans faille) of CAF families through a Formalized Model (modèle formalisé) of MFRC governance acknowledging family needs, enabled by responsible and engaged CAF partners
Formalized MFRC Governance Model Defined stewardship and accountability by MFS and CAF leadership in support of MFRC governance and standardization while maintaining the original grassroots community development philosophy to support families Key Characteristics Defined stewardship and accountability by MFS and local CAF leadership, in support of MFRC governance and standardization and SSE initiatives Stakeholder (Intervenants) responsibilities and accountabilities: Families: at the core of this model; The Three partners are what the CAF see as the enablers of Seamless Canada. B/W CO: monitors standardized governance processes, involvement in community, strategic plan implementation, Board /staff recruitment, MFS, as the funder and steward: establishes, mentors and monitors standardized Board operational processes, approves funding allocations based on strategic plan and provides and monitors the implementation of standardized staffing policies and processes; MFRC Board: ensures not-for-profit, provincial / federal incorporation, charitable status of the MFRC; administers fund management from Public, Non-Public and provincial / municipal sources, and other fees; establishes and monitors MFRC strategic direction; is the autonomous employer and manager of MFRC staff. Maintains intent of original grassroots, community development model of support to families while modernizing to offer a seamless Canadian experience
Formalized MFRC Governance Implementation OUTCOMES Synchronized and defined stakeholder responsibilities and accountabilities Established and monitored standardized Board operational processes; strategic planning direction; and funding allocations based on strategic plan Standardized staffing policies and processes MFRCs directly responding to family community Formalized roles and responsibilities clearly defining governance processes, planning and monitoring Formalized and monitored national and local cohesion OPPORTUNITIES Revise MOU with detailed responsibility matrix and compliance requirements Establish nationalized family feedback / advisory capacity Standardize/nationalized program delivery and communication strategies Leverage national fundraising efforts NEXT Steps Formalized MFRC Governance is the right step right now but not the last step Interim approach as the CAF progresses the various SSE initiatives such as CFB Canada Changes to service delivery of support to families may, in the future, necessitate another review of MFRC governance Governance will evolve as families and the CAF evolves You are going to engage in facilitated discussions this weekend on the outcomes and opportunities written here, and I want to talk to you about the next steps. Could be an interim approach