Word Studies Week 26
Step 1: syllabication formation
Step 1: syllabication – id vowels f o r m a t i n *
Step 1: syllabication – break into syllables form a tion * **
Step 2: identify syllable rules _ d form a tion * ** r o
Step 3: locate morphemes formation
Step 3: locate morphemes form * ate * ion
Step 4: define morphemes form * ate * ion shape make, cause act of doing
Step 5: create a definition form * ate * ion shape make, cause act of doing make or cause the act of shaping
Word Studies Week 26 – word 2
Step 1: syllabication conformity
Step 1: syllabication – id vowels f r m i t y *
Step 1: syllabication – break into syllables con form i ty *
Step 2: identify syllable rules _ con form i ty * c r o
Step 3: locate morphemes conformity
Step 3: locate morphemes con * form * ity
Step 4: define morphemes con * form * ity with, together shape condition or quality
Step 5: create a definition con * form * ity with, together shape condition or quality quality of shaping together