Sub Day 11/9/16 Today you will do the following… Watch the Ted Talk on Jared Diamonds 5 Causes for Civilizations to Collapse Read the short article on Causes of Civilizations to collapse Write two thesis statements regarding the collapse of civilizations
Watch the film and answer the following questions… Why do societies collapse – Film Click on the link for the film, it’s also on my website. Questions… What are the 5 causes of collapse? What is one example of a collapsed civilization that Jared Diamond talks about? What are some common themes of civilizations that have or are about to collapse? Why does Jared Diamond believe societies fail to correct their problems before they collapse (there should be 2 reasons)? Do you agree with Jared Diamond? Explain in detail why or why not.
Read the article… You don’t have to take notes, use it as a reference Write 2 thesis statements about why you think the Mayan Civilization collapsed One thesis statement should be a list statement One thesis should be a more complicated non list statement This is due at the end of the period.