The Margins of Society c.1500-1800
‘The Beggars’: Pieter Brueghel c. 1568
St Martin & the Beggar by Fouquet
Hôtel Dieu in Paris c. 1500
Juan Luis Vives c. 1492-1540
‘The Company of the Damned’ c. 1700
Bridewell, London, c.1720
Hamburg workhouse c. 1770
Growing Criminalisation & the State Monopoly of Violence
Gypsies by Callot c. 1621
The Harlot’s Progress c. 1730
Stabbing a Client
Raid on a Molly House c. 1800
The Executioner c. 1550
Discussion Questions How ‘marginal’ were marginal groups? What impact did the Renaissance/ Reformations/ Enlightenment have on the treatment of and attitudes towards those on the margins of early modern society?