ELIZABETH REGINA “I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king…”
RELIGIOUS ISSUES DIVIDED ENGLAND Protestant v. Catholic Elizabeth was a politique Act of Uniformity 1559 Created a national and only legal church Act of Supremacy 1559 Made the queen head of all England’s institutions What was important to Elizabeth?
Mary and her first husband, François II of France
Queen of Scotland at age of 6 days in 1542 Sent to court of Henri II of France Married to dauphin Queen of France1559-1560 Returned to Scotland in1561 Married Henry, Lord Darnley Son James born in 1566 Darnley murdered in February 1567 Married Earl of Bothwell June 1567 Nobles rose against Mary Defeated at Carbury Hill, she abdicated Fled to England Imprisoned by Elizabeth Babington plot Executed at Fotheringay 1587
The trial of Mary, Queen of Scots
The execution of Mary February 1587
Why did Elizabeth sign the order of execution? What were the consequences?
PHILIP II OF SPAIN Relations between Spain and England The marriage question Sir Francis Drake and his Sea dogs The execution of Mary Queen of Scots
Sir Francis Drake
The golden hind
CONSEQUENCES OF THE DEFEAT OF THE ARMADA Decline of Spain’s political power Religious implications…Catholic Reformation suffered a setback England’s power increased free to develop overseas trade and colonies great national pride… the Elizabethan Age
FINANCIAL ISSUES $$$$ Colonies Joint stock companies
PARLIAMENT Elizabeth managed to work with Parliament for most of her reign Religious compromise began to deteriorate late in her reign Problems with Puritans Two grievances retention of Catholic ceremony & vestments continuation of the episcopal system
Puritans… 2 grievances Worked through Parliament to create an alternative national church with semiautonomous congregations Elizabeth refused to concede anything that lessened the unity of the Anglican Church and her control of it More extreme Puritans…Congregationalists 1593: Conventicle Act …conform or exile
ELIZABETHAN ENGLAND London Theater 200,000 residents elegant and raw The Globe Seated 2300
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE The symbol of England’s golden age of literature, Shakespeare’s plays were written during the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I The Globe theater sat 2300 people plus groundlings
JAMES I 1603-1625 1ST Stuart king believed he ruled by divine right Quarrels with Parliament money religion Accomplishments King James Bible 1611
CHARLES I 1625-1649
CHARLES AND PARLIAMENT ..firm believer in divine right ..too much pride and no common sense ..always needed $$$ ..1628: Petition of Right ..1629: Charles dissolved Parliament ..1629-1640: king ruled w/o Parliament resorted to all sorts of fees and fines unpopularity grew greater each year
TOWARDS CIVIL WAR Religious policies Puritans fled England William Laud appointed Archbishop of Canterbury Laud forced Scottish Presbyterians to follow the Anglicans 1641: Parliament passed laws limiting the power of the king 1642: Charles & 400 soldiers stormed Commons to arrest 5 Puritan leaders. “ I see that the birds have flown.”
CIVIL WAR 1642-1649 Cavaliers v. Roundheads New Model Army Oliver Cromwell Naseby Execution of the king January 30, 1649 “Behold the head of a traitor.” 1st time a king faced public trial and official execution
THE COMMONWEALTH Cromwell ruled as “Lord Protector” Rump Parliament Reformed society Puritan laws Merrymaking and amusement illegal Oliver Cromwell died in 1658 Richard…”Tumbledown Dick” ruled til 1660
IRELAND Irish began rebelling after the death of Charles I Cromwell led a Protestant army to Ireland in August, 1649 Drogheda all 9000 residents massacred Irish lands given to English soldiers Northern counties set aside as English property 616,000 Irish…1/2 the population perished between 1641 and 1652
CHARLES II AND THE RESTORATION King 1660-1685 drama and poetry more moderate issues with Parliament…money and religion 1670: Treaty of Dover 1679: Habeas Corpus Act no legitimate children deathbed conversion to Catholicism
JAMES II King 1685-1688 Antagonized even his firmest friends Announced that Catholics could hold government posts Stationed 13,000 soldiers outside of London June 1688: son born to James and Mary of Modena…a Catholic
The birth of political parties TORIES: those who supported the king… WHIGS: those who opposed James… THE TWO PARTY POLITICAL SYSTEM IN BOTH THE U.S. AND BRITAIN HAS ITS ROOTS IN THIS CONFLICT
GLORIOUS REVOLUTION OF 1688 English Protestants terrified at the idea of a Catholic king James had two Protestant daughters from his 1st marriage Whigs and Tories invited the eldest, Mary, and her husband William of Orange to overthrow James II
WILLIAM AND MARY Landed in England in November 1688 James’ troops deserted James and joined William James fled to France 1689: Parliament asked William and Mary to rule as joint sovereigns
WHO HAD THE POWER?? Parliament John Locke William and Mary agreed to “govern the people of England…according to the statutes of Parliament agreed on and the laws and customs of the same.” John Locke wrote to justify the Glorious Revolution Two Treatises on Government a contract between the ruler and the people right to life, liberty and property
ANNE…the last Stuart born February 1665 to Catholic Duke and Duchess of York…but raised Protestant poorly educated and sickly married Prince George of Denmark 5 children and 12 miscarriages Act of Settlement 1701 Act of Union 1707 supported War of Spanish Succession