The Marco Polo Programme Marco Polo Info Day 28 June 2012 Anne Bårseth / Denise Kwantes
Outline Golden Rules for a successful application Make sure all conditions & criteria are understood and complied with Demonstrate credibility Demonstrate viability Pay attention to possible unacceptable distortion of competition Specific advice for CLA Write a clear and concise proposal Use the available support
Golden Rules for Success 1. Understand the criteria & the conditions Carefully read the call text Carefully address all criteria & conditions 3-4 forms to be submitted One signed original, 5 copies + CD-ROM Respect the deadline - 21/09/2012 – cannot be extended!
Golden Rules for Success 2. Demonstrate credibility (1) Very important criterion – usually main reason for failure! Description of the market (market research, problems in the market – low water level, border crossings etc.) Description of the type of freight Description of the return leg
Golden Rules for Success 2. Demonstrate credibility (2) Description of the service - technical details, subcontractors, transit time, frequency, etc. - competitive to road? Credible modal shift/traffic avoidance & supported by recent letters of intent from customers & market research Realistic loading factor
Golden Rules for Success 2. Demonstrate credibility (3) Prove the start-up between 1/1/2012 – 1/1/2014 but modal shift/traffic avoidance & costs only eligible as of submission date Use the MP calculator Old and new routes with maps Pre- and post-carriage
Golden Rules for Success 3. Demonstrate viability Not compulsory for CLA – but an advantage Business plan covering at least 1 year after subsidy period – ideally profit-making Credible business plan – eligible/non-eligible costs, revenues – cumulative loss in the years of funding
Golden Rules for Success 4. No unacceptable distortion of competition Shift from road – not other non-road transport modes Exhaustive analysis required – supported by customers declaring the freight to be previously on the road Comparison with other non-road services: differentiate by market/freight/customers/service
Golden Rules for Success 5. Specific advice for CLA (1) Link the CLA action with the modal shift/traffic avoidance objective Role of all partners/subcontractors described Detailed training and dissemination plan (when, where, by whom, how many, target groups, content etc.)
Golden Rules for Success 5. Specific advice for CLA (2) Innovation – what is new compared with other similar projects? Wide-European added value - several EU MS involved, reaching a wide-European target group Letters of intent/support from interested parties
Golden Rules for Success 6. Write a clear and concise proposal Be consistent - proposal matches the info in annexes – MP calculator Clear without repetitions Follow the structure of the call (appendix 2) Cross-checked by an outsider
Golden Rules for Success 7. Use the available support Marco Polo Help Desk – phone/email Marco Polo website Checklists for each action type Presentations from previous conferences Guidance documents FAQs etc.
Call 2012 - Available Support Subscribe to the Marco Polo e-newsletter! Call 2012 - Available Support MARCO POLO Website MARCO POLO Helpdesk Email: Phone: +32 (02) 29-50924 Fax: +32 (02) 29-79506
Thank you for your attention Good luck with your proposal!