Warm Up Objective: Scientists will describe the body cavities and quadrants by taking notes and analyzing the Operation game. 1. What is the topic? 2. What will you be doing? 3. Why is this important? 4. How will you know if you have done well?
Warm Up Objective: Scientists will describe the body cavities and quadrants by taking notes and analyzing the Operation game. 1. What is the topic? Body cavities and quadrants 2. What will you be doing? Notes, analyzing Operation game 3. Why is this important? Common language, reference point, know more about ourselves 4. How will you know if you have done well? Take notes and complete analysis
Body Cavities
Body Cavities The Dorsal cavity is divided into the Cranial cavity and Vertebral cavity. The cranial cavity is within the skull and houses the brain. The vertebral is within bones of spine and houses spinal cord.
Body Cavities The Ventral Cavity is divided into Thoracic and Abdominopelvic cavities. The thoracic is within rib cage and houses the heart and lungs. It is made of two pleural cavities (lungs), the pericardial cavity (heart), and the mediastinum (esophagus, trachea, thymus).
Body Cavities The Abdominopelvic Cavity is divided into the abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity. The abdominal contains the digestive organs, spleen, and kidneys. The pelvic cavity is bound by the bones of the pelvis and contains the reproductive organs, rectum, and urinary bladder.
Body Quadrants Right upper Gallbladder, part of liver, right kidney Right lower Appendix, right ovary, right ureter, right spermatic cord Left upper Spleen, most of stomach, part of liver, left kidney Left lower Left ovary, left uterine tube, left ureter, left spermatic cord, part of colon Body Quadrants
Body Quadrants Right hypochondriac: liver Epigastric: stomach Left hypochondriac: left kidney Right lumbar: small intestine Umbilical: pancreas Left lumbar: descending colon Right iliac: appendix Hypogastric: bladder Left iliac: small intestine
Operation Play the Operation game with your group. Assign a Materials Material, Spokesperson, and Task Manager. Everyone is a recorder! Answer the questions by identifying the piece that completes the sentence correctly. Wrench, apple, pencil, rubber band, bread, pail, butterfly, broken heart, bone, horse, wishbone, ribs Remember vocabulary words? Superior…above/top Inferior…below/bottom Distal…away from Proximal…near/close
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