SDN 101 May 29th 2013
The Problem Networks are at an Inflection Point Network Challenges: Networks have become too complex after 40+ years of internet evolution: Then: L2=Ethernet and L3=IP Now: ACLs, VLANs, VPN, DiffServ, IPSec, IPv6, NAT, Firewall, MPLS, middle boxes and much more… Networks need to be more deterministic: Allow more efficient use of network resources Networks are too hard to manage: Manual and error prone CLI based configuration of network elements No economies of scale Network Operators faced with flat revenues coupled with massive traffic growth and more complex applications: IP traffic will quadruple by 20161 Only 17% of Data Center traffic goes to users1 Proliferation of virtualization, connected devices and cloud computing Networks cannot continue on the same path More and more expensive to build and operate Slower and slower to evolve … a new protocol for every problem is NOT the solution 1) Big Data is exploding demand for traffic growing faster than supply Transition from transaction to session based services: cloud computing, virtualization BYOD, M2M, video, secure storage Cloud Computing: market will hit $109 billion in 2012 and $206.6 billion by 2016 (Gartner) Network equipment represents 15% of cost of Cloud Computing datacenters 2) Transition from North-South to East-West traffic increasing network complexity, overprovisioning leading to inefficiency and increased Operations costs In the past, client to server communications essentially (eg. Emails), client talks to server and response comes back to client. Ie. North South Today, services interact with eachother on behalf of the user (eg. Facebook), which causes East-West traffic, ie. Servers need to talk to other servers. Traditional data centers and networks have been designed to optimise N-S traffic. Hence, today these are not fit for purpose and very inefficient (eg. 10-15% utilisation rates are common ) 50% + of ports 75% of traffic to interconnect switches 3) Costs, risks and delays increasing as operators try to solve new problems with old architectures - nature of traffic changing too fast for current network management technology - Traffic patterns are constantly changing, but current Network management tools were not designed for frequent network topology changes - In a report from February 2012, Aberdeen Group found that between June 2010 and February 2012, the cost per hour of downtime increased, on average by 65%. - Growing energy costs: Energy to power and cool down equipment has become the no. 1 expenditure for Data Center Operators. - ASIC approach is optimized for conformity, uniformity and economies of scale, not flexibility – too slow to evolve, eg. 2-year design cycle Software Defined Networking Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 60.43% from 2012 to 2017 by MarketsandMarkets Source: Cisco Global Cloud Index 2012 Note 1: Cisco Global Cloud Index, 2012
The Solution SDN and OpenFlow
The OpenFlow Standard Architecture OpenFlow Protocol: Controller Maintains comm. channel Distribute flows (rules) Maintains local state graph Distributed switching pSwitches vSwitches
The OpenFlow Standard Flow Tables – Pipeline Processing
The OpenFlow Standard Flow Tables & Flows Flow Composition: Table j Match Fields: To match against packets. These consist of the ingress port and packet headers, and optionally metadata specified by the previous table. Priority: Matching precedence of the flow entry. Counters: To update for matching packets. Instructions: To modify the action set or pipeline processing Timeouts: Maximum amount of time or idle time before flow is expired by the switch. Cookie: Opaque data value chosen by the controller. May be used by the controller to filter flow statistics, flow modification and flow deletion, not used when processing packets.
The OpenFlow Standard Flow & Packet Processing Samples Switching Switch Port MAC src dst Eth type VLAN ID IP prot TCP sport dport Action * 00:1f:… port6 Flow Switching Switch Port MAC src dst Eth type VLAN ID IP prot TCP sport dport Action Port3 00:20… 00:1f… 0800 vlan1 4 17264 80 port6 Firewall Switch Port MAC src dst Eth type VLAN ID IP prot TCP sport dport Action * 22 drop
The OpenFlow Standard Flow & Packet Processing Samples Routing Switch Port MAC src dst Eth type VLAN ID IP prot TCP sport dport Action * port6 VLAN Switching Switch Port MAC src dst Eth type VLAN ID IP prot TCP sport dport Action * 00:1f… vlan1 Port6, Port7, Port8
The OpenFlow Standard Messages Controller-to-Switch Feature Request: Query the switch about what features it supports Configuration Request: Configure the switch Modify-State: Add/delete/modify flows and set port properties Read-State: Collect statistics Send-Packet: Send enclosed packet through a specific port Barrier: Request/reply messages for operation completion Asynchronous (Switch initiated): Packet-In: No match or match with send to controller action Flow-Removed: Idle timeout or hard timeout Port-Status: Switch port changed status Error: Switch notifies controller of problems Symmetric: Hello: Exchanged between switch and controller upon initial connection Echo: Initiated by either the switch or controller Vendor: Vendor specific messages to support vendor specific functionality
The OpenFlow Standard Messages Controller-to-Switch Feature Request: Query the switch about what features it supports Configuration Request: Configure the switch Modify-State: Add/delete/modify flows and set port properties Read-State: Collect statistics Send-Packet: Send enclosed packet through a specific port Barrier: Request/reply messages for operation completion Asynchronous (Switch initiated): Packet-In: No match or match with send to controller action Flow-Removed: Idle timeout or hard timeout Port-Status: Switch port changed status Error: Switch notifies controller of problems Symmetric: Hello: Exchanged between switch and controller upon initial connection Echo: Initiated by either the switch or controller Vendor: Vendor specific messages to support vendor specific functionality
The OpenFlow Standard Releases Features OF 1.1 OF 1.2 OF 1.3 Multiple Tables ✓ Groups Tags: MPLS & VLAN Virtual ports Extensible match support Extensible ‘set field’ packet rewriting support Extensible context expression in ‘packet-in’ Extensible Error messages via experimenter error IPv6 support added Controller role change mechanism IPv6 Extension Header handling support Per flow meters Per connection event filtering Auxiliary connections MPLS BoS matching Provider Backbone Bridging tagging Tunnel-ID metadata Cookies in packet-in Duration for stats On demand flow counters
Sample OpenFlow Controller Floodlight Architecture Floodlight Controller: OpenFlow Controller Apache-Licensed Open source Java-based: 85 kLOC Used by Big Switch Networks OpenFlow interface: Currently supports OF 1.0 Plans for OF 1.2/1.3 in March 2013 REST API: Northbound interface towards OpenFlow applications Java API: High bandwidth interface towards OpenFlow applications ---------------- OpenFlow Interface ----------------
Sample OpenFlow Controller Floodlight Modules FloodlightProvider: Handles connections to switches and turns OpenFlow messages into Floodlight events. Transmits messages to switches on behalf of modules. Decides the order in which specific incoming OpenFlow messages (i.e. PacketIn, FlowRemoved, PortStatus, etc.) are dispatched to the modules that listen for the messages. TopologyManager: Maintains the network topology information. Computes shortest path using Dijkstra’s algorithm – a graph search algorithm used by link-state routing protocols such as OSPF and IS-IS. LinkDiscoveryManager: Responsible for discovering and maintaining the status of links in the OpenFlow network. Sends out Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) messages. Forwarding: Installs flow mods for end to end routing. Handles island routing. DeviceManager: Tracks hosts on the network: MAC to switch port, MAC to IP, IP to MAC mapping. Defines the destination device for a new flow. MemoryStorageSource: An in-memory NoSQL data base accessible by the modules. Supports change notifications. RestApiServer: Allows modules to expose REST APIs over HTTP. ThreadPool: Schedules tasks to run at specific times or periodically. FlowCache: Maintains a record of all active flows in all switches. [Not implemented but needed.] PacketStreamer: Selectively streams OpenFlow messages exchanged between any switch and the controller to an observer. Testing Modules: Codes for validating the functionality of the various modules of the controller (14 kLOC)
Sample OpenFlow Controller Floodlight Northbound REST API Representational State Transfer Application Protocol Interface (REST API) Exposes resources that may be read and/or manipulated by applications Common stateless Client-Server protocol used on the WWW: HTTP GET, POST, PUT, DELETE Methods Calls consists of a “Base URI” & “JSON media type” Sample JSON media type: {"src-ip": "", "dl-type":"ARP"} Examples of Floodlight REST API calls: List all devices tracked by the controller: Curl http://localhost:8080/wm/device/ Retrieve aggregate port statistics across all switches: Curl http://localhost:8080/wm/core/switch/all/port/json Retrieve per switch traffic counter: Curl http://localhost:8080/wm/core/counter/switchID/statType/json List all inter-switch links: Curl http://localhost:8080/wm/topology/links/json
Sample OpenFlow Application StaticFlowEntryPusher Application Functionality: Allows the user to manipulate flows entries in switches through an exposed REST API Implemented as a Java module: 1,553 LOC Examples of REST API calls: List all flows for a switch: Curl http://localhost:8080/wm/staticflowentrypusher/list/switchID/json Clear all flows for a switch: Curl http://localhost:8080/wm/staticflowentrypusher/clear/switchID/json Add a flow to a switch: Curl -X POST -d '{“switch": “00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01", “name":“flow_mod_1", “priority”:”32768”, “ingress-port”:”1”, “active”:”true”, “actions”:”output=2” }' http://localhost:8080/wm/staticflow entrypusher/json Delete a flow from a switch: Curl -X DELETE -d '{“name": “flow_mod_1" }' http://localhost:8080/wm/staticflowentrypusher/json
Sample OpenFlow Application CircuitPusher Application Functionality: Creates a bi-directional circuit with two IP end points Implemented as Python module: 200 LOC Examples how to use it: List all flows for a switch: Curl http://localhost:8080/wm/staticflowentrypusher/list/switchID/json Clear all flows for a switch: Curl http://localhost:8080/wm/staticflowentrypusher/clear/switchID/json Add a flow to a switch: Curl -X POST -d '{“switch": “00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01", “name":“flow_mod_1", “priority”:”32768”, “ingress-port”:”1”, “active”:”true”, “actions”:”output=2” }' http://localhost:8080/wm/staticflow entrypusher/json
Sample OpenFlow Application Firewall Application Functionality: Create firewall rules: switch_id, src/dst-MAC, src/dst-IP, network protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP), TCP/UDP port-src/dst, dl-type (ARP, IPv4), priority, and action (ALLOW or DENY) Implemented as Java module: 1,576 LOC Using REST API calls, enable/disable firewall and create/delete firewall rules that are pushed to the identified OpenFlow switch Examples of Firewall REST API calls: Check Firewall status: Curl http://localhost:8080/wm/firewall/module/status/json Enable Firewall: Curl http://localhost:8080/wm/firewall/module/enable/json Add rule to Firewall: Curl -X POST -d '{"src-ip": "", "nw-proto":"UDP", "tp-src":"5010", "action":"DENY" }' http://localhost:8080/wm/firewall/rules/json